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Module 3


Discuss: "White people are defending against their genetic annihilation." - Dr. Kendi

@Sep 23, 2020 10:41 PM

The following quote "White people are defending against their own genetic annihilation" is a bit ironic for me. Those white people who once upon a time dominated American life are tormented by low birth rates in the 21st century. As much as it may sound crazy, studies shown that for some white people, it's a real fear- stimulated from political conservatism and racial bias (i.e. to maintain the "white" status).  


A study conducted featured 526 participants, all whites, where they began by reading one of three fictitious news articles: One that showed that the global white population as declining, one saying it was growing, or a third that didn’t address the topic. (The first had such unrealistic statistics as, "The number of whites who died in 2016 outpaced the number of white births in 17 countries.") The subjects then responded to a series of statements reflecting the 3 varieties of threat mentioned above. These included existential, status and collective symbolic treats. From there they evaluated the subjects by measuring their level of discomfort when interacting with people of different ethnicities. Finally, the participants then gave their views on 5 hot button issues including universal health care, immigration and action needed. 


The key result: "Exposing white participants to [the idea of] white population decline led to a higher level of collective existential threat, but not the other types of threats," the researchers write. "Collective existential threat in turn led to more racial bias, and more conservative policy preferences." (


This research rooted a deeper, underlying foundation of white supremacy and privilege outlining that denial as quoted from Dr Kendi's  How to be Antiracist Book (pg. 9) "is the heartbeat of racism, beating across ideologies, races and nations". White supremacists as described in Kendi's book (pg.132) "claim to be pro-White but refuse to acknowledge that climate change is having a disastrous impact on the earth White people inhabit". He continues to explain his stance on white supremacy being the code of "anti-White" and that in the end ironically that its supremacy is nothing other than an "ongoing program of genocide against the White race".

Thus the quote of white people defending their own genetic annihilation can be contradicting and rather where you look at it, it can show different perspectives on why or why not the whites are responsible for their own genocide but for me, I do feel that we need to come to terms with understanding the foundations of these white supremacists systems and to draw connections on how this can bring up the foundation of anti-black racism.

@September 28 at 4:09 PM

Your answer is based on the article on which was the exact same article I was reading when I constructed my answer as well. And to be frank, I think your answer covers the topic a lot better than mine. I hadn't even thought about making the connection between the contradicting views of white supremacists (the refusal to acknowledge the state of the environment) and how their behaviour at the end of the day, is anti-white, which can easily help construct the foundations of anti-black racism.

I really enjoyed reading your post :)

@September 28 at 9:32 PM

Hey ___! im glad that I was able to make different connections for you to understand and it shows that we all can draw different correlations on the same topic! Its true that how many of us may not focus on the views of anti-white on how that too can build the foundation to anti-back racism. Thus I think Dr Kendi's point clearly summaries it well. 

@October 2 at 10:29 PM

Hi ___!, you're ending statement that refers to the quote. being contradictive is a perspective I've yet to consider. In my response, I solely limited my interpretation of the quote in terms of the white guilt that white people feel towards Black people, a feeling of uneasiness or worry that Black people will not only surpass the boundaries placed on them by Anti-Black racists but will impose revenge on them for the cruelty shown towards Black people. Although, your response took a different path, on that doesn't see the the 'correct' response as black or white but more of a grey area.. interesting! Great work!.

@Sep 26, 2020 3:27 PM

"White people are defending against their own genetic annihilation." - Dr. Kendi

Although I am not entirely certain, I believe this quote is referring to how some white supremacists have a fear of going ‘extinct’ as the West becomes more diverse with increased immigration, changing demographics, and progressive social reforms. They are afraid of no longer making up the majority, and as a result, losing their racist power in our society.

When white supremacists are confronted with racial injustice, it often reveals their white fragility and their need to turn to defensive behaviors fueled by fear, anger and denial in order to avoid confronting inequality. White fragility can manifest in the political climate. For example, in order for white supremacists to ‘defend’ their power and ‘fight against’ their fear of genetic annihilation, they often harden their racial and political views, pouring their support into conservative politicians and policies who share their views about the white race (i.e., Trump)

The fear of white extinction is also linked to the concept of ‘whiteness’, which is a construct that historically stereotypes how one group is ‘good and pure’ and the other is ‘dark and corrupted’. In a study done by psychologists from the University of Minnesota, it was found that many white individuals believe that the white race will “lose its unique identity and values” as its members “assimilate into other cultures” (Jacobs, June 3, 2019). White supremacists who believe in extinction are fearful that society will stop valuing ‘whiteness’ as minorities challenge these constructs that were built to discriminate and oppress them. They are afraid that their racial identity—which historically has been perceived to good, pure and ideal—will be irrelevant in the future. Or as Frances Lee Ansley puts it, they are afraid that the “political, economic and cultural system in which whites overwhelmingly control” will cease to exist, or changed beyond recognition.

Personally, even if the white race becomes a smaller demographic, I find it hard to believe that they will also lose their institutionalized power founded on centuries of racist policies and minority oppression. But maybe they will, who knows? It's really hard for anyone to know what the future holds, so I guess we’d just have to wait and see.



@September 27 at 7:17 PM

Hi ___,

I 100% agree with what you're saying. I really liked how you linked white fragility into politics with the conservative party sharing the same ideals as white supremacists, I didn't think about that connection when looking at Dr.Kendi's quote. I think it's very important to point out the wrongs and racist ideas in modern day society because the media often tries to hide it.  

@September 29 at 10:19 AM

Thank you for reading my post ___! I'm glad you liked my political connection, I was a bit unsure about including it in my response, but it was the first thing that popped into my mind and I believe it linked with the topic. And yes, I agree it's important to point out the racist ideas that the media tries to hide, especially because these concepts are so embedded into our society to a point where some people don't even notice them 

@September 28 at 12:40 PM

Hey ___,

Truth is, I had a harder time understanding and analyzing this quote and what it was exactly referring to, specifically the "genetic annihilation". I had a rough start with my own discussion, but your thread lead me to realize new aspects of Dr. Kendi's quote and think deeper of what this quote means. 


Your points on the fear of white extinction and the loss of their racist power in society cleared up a lot of confusion for me. I didn't think about this at all, and I thank you for your explanation. 

After spending some more time researching on the fear of white extinction, I'm almost at a loss for words to learn that this is a real fear that white supremacists are experiencing. I had no idea, and I'm learning a lot today. 


According to Pacific Standard, researchers in the journal Group Processes and Intergroup Relations state that "it has been clear for some time that many white Americans feel threatened by projections that, by the year 2050, members of their racial identity will no longer make up a majority of the nation's population. Much research has found this is driven by fear of a loss of status—that whites will no longer play a dominant role in society." 


Although we still have a long way to go, it's positively true that the west is showing signs of more inclusive and progressive social reforms, as well as more voices being heard in our society. 

@September 29 at 10:24 AM

Hello ___!


Wow, thank you so much for your lengthy and insightful response. I felt the same about the quote. Even after posting my response, I wasn't sure if I was interpreting the author's message 'correctly' or missing the point entirely.


I'm glad my post has lead you to delve deeper into the topic of 'white extinction' because it is a fascinating concept that connects with this unit and course. I read the article you included as well! It's really interesting seeing the other side of the coin and hearing the perspective of the majority who historically held all the power in our society. 


I agree that we definitely have a long way to go, but I am grateful for the progress we've made so far and I'm excited to see what the future holds for us and the next few generations.


I hope you enjoy your day! 


@September 28 at 9:38 PM

Hey ___! I really enjoyed reading your post as I found that you drew a clear cut as to the fear of white genetic annihilation and I liked your connection to the study done by the psychologists from the University of Minnesota. It showed clearly how white supremacists have this fear of losing their "whiteness" and its value in society. however you mentioned in your last point as to whites holding centuries worth of institutional power and that got me thinking as well. Even if the whites are losing out their demographic, would there be a change of power as well?

@September 29 at 10:30 AM

Hello ___! 

Thank you for taking the time to read my discussion response. You pose very interesting questions that make me think as well. I often wonder how the world's power structure will look like in the future as the demographics in our society change and social reforms take place. Is it too late to wipe away the centuries of institutional oppression and power that has given the white race their status? Can we live in a society where race has no particular impact on an individual's success, treatment and power? Honestly, I don't know the answer to these questions at all, so I guess I'll have to wait and see what the future holds 

@October 1 at 8:54 PM

Hi ___,

I also loved how you connected this with politics, specifically how you mentioned Trump into your post. It has been an amazing thing watching how many racist people have come out into the open since his presidency. They've always been there but Trump has had them come right out and express their hate towards POC. Thanks for sharing!

@October 2 at 12:06 PM

Hey ___:)

I agree, the way certain political and social groups describe their hate and disgust towards minorities honestly blows my mind. I'm glad you liked the political connection! I thought it would help convey my message better. Thank you so much for reading!!

@Sep 27, 2020 7:07 PM

White supremacy is the cause of racist ideas and beliefs. For example, Dr. Kendi references a study that mentions “colour-inferiority” and “White genocide”. White supremacist are in fear that their race are in danger of being wiped out because in biracial people they believe that white genetics get over powered by minority genetics. These white extremists are very fixated on their belief that white people must hold all the power, therefore, they must take extreme measures in order to keep white people “pure” and avoid their own genetic annihilation.

@September 28 at 5:08 PM

I like how you mention that they must hold power in order to be pure and avoid their own genetic annihilation. I think white people are in guilt and this is a major cause in why they are moving backwards, panicking to be recognized and seeking for the clarity that they are still on top. Seeing that they are the reason behind their own genetic annihilation, triggers them in being defensive and retreating.

@September 30 at 9:52 AM

It is interesting that you mentioned biracial people. I say this is interesting because if you were to divide the world into Black people and white people (I am not saying that there are only two races), biracial people would have to identify as Black people because the white people would see them as impure. I would also like to add to your very strong discussion and bring a movie that I watched recently: Where hands touch, this shows how even though white blood runs down the veins of this child, she is still a victim of brutality because, in that same body, Black blood runs. White supremacists still want genetically pure white people to keep populating the Earth to hold up to historical standards. 

@Sep 28, 2020 12:09 PM

From what I am understanding, this quote points to white fragility. When speaking out about the injustices that BIPOC experience on a daily basis, white people may feel like they are being attacked and are pointed fingers at.  


It suggests that as a result, white people are quick to defend themselves because they feel that they are portrayed or shown under a “bad light”.  


“Can people move on? It happened ages ago. People are so sensitive, I swear.” “Not every white person is racist.” “Stop saying all white people.” 


It is irony; how can white people be so quick to be dismissive or angry without understanding that these are consequences they have subjected BIPOC to? These issues like racism are results from their own mess (genetic annihilation) and mistakes, so really, what are they defending? It’s a bad self defense mechanism to protect their pride and rid them of their guilt. 

@September 28 at 12:45 PM

Through ___'s discussion thread, I was able to learn a lot more on what this quote might be referring to. Here is an article that helped me better understand the "genetic annihilation". 

@September 29 at 10:32 AM

Yay! I'm glad my thread helped :) 

@September 29 at 10:39 AM

Hello ___! I did not think of the quote in that way, but I believe that Dr. Kendi's message does link with white fragility as well and how the white race feels the need to defend themselves when they are portrayed in a 'bad light'. White fragility is rather frustrating because it goes to show how certain members of the white race views BIPOC issues as inconsequential or 'in the past' or 'oversensitive' 

I really enjoyed your analogy on this quote, thank you for sharing! 

@October 2 at 10:19 AM

I'm glad that my analogy was, to some extent, linked correctly with Dr. Kendi's quote. Thank you ___! 

@September 29 at 6:17 PM

Hi ___!

I thought your "stop saying all white people" was a great addition to the topic. I can't count how many times I've heard that. People are quick to defend themselves, which is telling on its own, without questioning the root of the statement and why it was said.  

@October 2 at 10:21 AM

Hey ___, I agree. Thanks for responding to my thread!

@October 1 at 7:21 PM

Hi ___! 

I enjoyed the quotations that were meant to reflect opposing white voices! Some might think that it's exaggerated, but as an avid Twitter user, I can confirm there are people who genuinely believe "...not all white people"! They are apart of the issue. There's no reason to state the above or "I'm white and I don't do that!" It holds little value in the greater discussion. You're white and you don't do that, but there are white people that do, and that is who those "generalizations" are directed at. Perhaps that could be telling of the person's views on BIPOC issues! 

Thank you so much for sharing! 

@October 2 at 10:25 AM

Hi ___! Your words right out of my mouth. It really is an issue and I've also encountered way too many people who say things like that. Thanks for responding. 

@Sep 28, 2020 1:21 PM

White supremacy is the ideological system that asserts the superiority of Whites over people of colour. Even after Martin Luther King's peaceful protests, white supremacy continues. The entire culture of slavery and hatred based on colour is a White invention. White privilege and the benefits that result in being white are the effects of white supremacy. As noted in the overview video for this module,  Black people are seen as inferior intellectually. A great example of this is Black kids experiencing systemic racism in our school systems, by being streamed into courses below their ability. White supremacists fear that any advancement made by Black people or other minorities means that something is being taken away from White people. Today, the same type of fears still exist among many White people. Some feel that these fears justify the mistreatment and exploitation of Black people, and that is what this quote is discussing. However, I think it is ridiculous that white supremacists believe that Black people are inferior. Oftentimes when it turns out that they are not, you have made enemies of extremely capable people. Now you are in fear of being incorrect and being the target of a form of revenge. The thing is that this “fear” is a product of their ideas about race.

@September 28 at 3:43 PM

Wow, I really liked the examples you used in your response. Especially when you mentioned how black kids are being streamed into courses below their ability. I've noticed in Toronto, the racial makeup of the 'alternative' schools for students that struggle with 'behavioural and educational problems' are majority black or other POC. 


I also wanna saying kudos to you for your answer being so straight to the point, I think you didn't mess around and said what needed to be said.

@September 28 at 4:21 PM

Thank you! I really appreciate your comment. There are a lot of minorities being streamed into lesser challenging courses and it is this misconception that certain minorities are not on the same intellectual level as others. Another thing is that Black people are more susceptible to become suspended at a much higher rate. Which to me is completely unacceptable, and I feel like the school system needs to take responsibility for their actions. They need to look at the data that is so clearly right in front of them. Radicalized students and students with low income, also are less likely to to graduate from high school and pursuit a post secondary education. . Heres an article I have linked that shows that they are trying to take responsibility for this discriminatory practices. The second article is about streaming in schools and how it impacts radicalized youth.


@September 28 at 10:19 PM

Impressive, ___!

Your argument is well constructed. The example of streaming in schools points out the fear of something being taken away from the people at fault of these policies.

@September 30 at 9:47 AM

Your response to this quote was very powerful. I especially commend you for stating how white supremacists have made enemies of capable people. It is also very unfortunate that the same people look at achievements of Black people as a threat to their race and would do anything in their power to bring them down. They look at how they were brutal to Black people in history and now are fearful that there will be an uproar in revenge. I agree with all your claims and I would also like to say that Black people are not here for revenge; they are here for equal treatment, fair opportunities and justice. 

@Sep 28, 2020 3:23 PM

In 1960, a government issued consensus of the US states that 88.6 percent of the population was white, and 26.7 percent were nonwhite.


When the 2020 census was done, more than half of the nations population is expected to be a part of a minority or ethnic group. It is projected that the US population as a whole will become majority-minority in 2044. With the minority population expected to rise to 56 percent of the total.


So the quote “white people are defending against their own generic annihilation” is referring to what is called “White Extinction Anxiety.” White people are seeing the world around them change and diversify more and more, that terrifies them. Seeing more and more people that look different than them is a new and ‘scary’ world for them to live in. Referring to what was discussed last week, reverse racism, I feel that these two subjects may be connected. Acting out, claiming reverse racism may very well be the result of “White Extinction Anxiety.” Now white people feel as if they are being threatened, that this ‘collective existential threat’ will likely lead to more racial bias.


Declining numbers in white people in the US along with the recent wave of abortion bills could possibly be connected. I noticed the amount of new abortion bills and pro life propaganda, especially in the south in these past two years. Which are anti abortion bills stripping women’s rights to choose, and forcing pregnant women to have no choice but to have the baby, regardless of conception, disabilities, or financial stability. If you focus in on who are the people pushing for this bill? The rich white powerful male politicians who surely are aware that the southern US is majority white people. Or the idea of a declining white population in the US is the reason why Donald Trump is relentlessly pushing his controversial decisions regarding immigrants arriving at the southern border.


These might sound like panicked and irrational reactions. But when being white is a considerable part of your identity, and there’s an ‘existential threat’ to you and ‘your people’ it’s very possible that this mindset will lead you to believe that no defensive measure is ‘too’ extreme.

@September 29 at 10:48 AM

Hey ___! I love how you incorporated census data into your response because seeing how rapidly our demographics are changing helps us consider our changing society and how this causes the 'white extinction' theory. I also liked your connection to current world issues like abortion bills and immigration and they reflect the oppressive beliefs held by those in political power. 


Your last point made me wonder how I'd feel if the situation was reversed. Although I am still not too sure how to feel about the white extinction fear, I know that being Chinese is a big part of my identity, and I would be terrified if I perceived the existence of my race as 'threatened'. Some things to think about. 

@September 29 at 11:56 AM

You're right, after I wrote my answer I wish I could tweak it a little, because I take a lot of pride being Chinese as well, and I worded it in a way that was a little insensitive. However what I meant by my last point is that if being white is a significant portion of how you view oneself, and there's a belief that the white race is superior, then of course when other races are becoming the population majority will result in some white people participating/condoning in radical and extreme measures (i.e white supremacy). It's the idea of 'power in numbers' if there is more numbers with the 'inferior' race/races, then the 'power' will shift.

@September 29 at 8:33 PM

I enjoyed having some statistical data to help understand this thought that Dr. Taylor has presented us with.

My question is  as White people see the world around them change and diversify more and more, what about that is terrifying? Why is seeing more and more people that look different than them is a new and ‘scary’ world for them to live in. 


So many questions, so much anger. Perhaps I am of the minority in my thinking, but why does our external appearance make us superior to another person? Why can't we celebrate each individual for what their uniqueness, instead of feeling threatened that our race may no longer exist? 


I know you may not have the answers to these questions, but these are the constant thoughts that go through my mind as individuals seek "pity" for the reality that White people are "experiencing." The past and the future are different for a reason, our past showed a great divide between race, as we progress and look towards the future, why is it necessary that we continue this great divide amongst race, but rather celebrate the progression of a blended society. Maybe White geocide is necessary in order for us to progressively move towards a more inclusive world.


Again, these are just the constant thoughts and ideas that swirl in my mind and my hope here is to gain further knowledge by generating conversation.


Thanks for creating that space, ___.

@September 30 at 8:21 AM

I love the questions you asked and the only answer I can come up with is: division amongst nations makes it easy to rule over them. if we are constantly attacking one another based on external appearance then we will be taking each other out while the 1% ( the upper class) sit back and watch.


If we put the same energy we do into hating one another into making the 1% divide the money equally we wouldn't see the middle class being cut out. We need to stop falling into the trap of which race is better and look at saving humanity and I believe it takes compassion and empathy before we can ever see a real change. 

@September 30 at 8:25 AM

Hey ___,

I love how you explained that with change comes fear. it is not easy for people to get used to the idea that things are changing. It is inevitable because it is predicted that in 2050 white people will be the minority. I dropped stats in my post that explains the decrease of white people in America. I also love your title and how you explained what that looks like. This topic is becoming more real once we look at that statics and what we are witnessing on social media. Thank you for going in-depth on this topic. I really enjoyed your post, you gave me a lot to think about. 

@October 1 at 12:29 AM

Hi ___, great post! The census data is always helpful - like the others said. The "White Extinction Anxiety" concept always kind of infuriates me. There's one specific reason - glorification and fetish of mixed children. The amount of times I have heard people actually say "I want to have children with a Black man/woman so that I can have light-skin (biracial/mixed) babies", is LARGE. But, then white people also fear losing power. The fetish bothers me and although it's not highly related to the contents of the post, it just seems like such a contradiction to white people fearing extinction. I hope this makes sense. 

@October 1 at 8:55 PM

Oh wow I completely forgot about the mixed/biracial baby thing, that's actually such a common thing I'm glad you mentioned it. I've encountered so many people that have told me that they want a biracial child, like it's some kind of trophy, or achievement, like something to check off a bucket list. It's such a weird phenomenon to me that people can see Black people or just POC in general as a conquest. Then you have wayyy on the other spectrum, that believes Black people are inferior. Such a interesting comparison.


Glad you brought this up, really got me thinking.

@Sep 28, 2020 4:58 PM

The quote by Dr. Kendi, "White people are defending against their own genetic annihilation" is the fear force behind all of the oppression and brutality that white commit against people of colour. The whites that ruled and dominated the land and generally ran the land for years are now in fear of their own genetic annihilation. They're simply afraid that they will go out of existence against the vast majority of the world's "coloured" people. It is projected that by 2050, the minority will become the new majority, and the whites are simply in fear concerning for their power. White guilt and fragility are now affecting white people as they realize the strength and integrity black people have in empowering change in the justice system and demanding the same attention. The fear of white genetic annihilation is also responsible for genocidal policies against people of colour (the occupation of the America's, European invasions, the funnelling of guns and narcotics into black neighbourhoods). Bear in mind that whites like to encourage abortion and contraception among women of colour, as they generally try to pursue for surrogate mothers. Overall, the fear and guilt of white people can be contrary to the quotation of white people defending their own genetic annihilation, and instead based off of how you look at it, it can demonstrate various views on whether the whites are responsible for their own carnage. Furthermore, understanding the pathology of racism (white supremacy) is the first step to defeating it. 

@September 28 at 9:43 PM

Hey ___! I liked your point on how their fear of white genetic annihilation is also responsible for genocidal policies against people of colour which shows how they realise how much strength people of minority have. To me it ironic as with all those years of slavery and oppression of the Blacks, now with white suprematists saying that they fear what was once so powerful to them is really intriguing to me. Thus, I think drawing connection to the foundations of racism like you mentioned is a great way of discovering ways to defeat it.

@October 1 at 12:22 AM

___, this was super educational and I want to thank you for your insight. I was really intrigued by your point of encouraged contraception among Black people and I never thought of it in terms of fear of genetic annihilation - but it does make sense. It's actually very disturbing, but much of what goes on in our world surrounding race is. 

@October 1 at 3:21 PM

Hi ___

It's interesting you bring up the fact of minorities very well, becoming the majority population. I wanna ask that though there may be a possibility that white people will less in numbers, will it have any effects on the systemic and institutionalized racism we see today? Do you think that by 2050 something will inevitably improved or that the systems will still only continue to benefit all but minorities?


great post!


@October 1 at 4:25 PM

Good question ___, to be honest I hope it improves. Today and for as long as we need to, we are making the issue heard and it is being acknowledged and looked at even more than it was yesterday. By 2050 I hope that the systems will continue to benefit all including minorities. 

Thanks for the questions!

@Sep 28, 2020 5:38 PM

Hello ARTS 130!

I am your ARTS First peer tutor for this term and I’m looking forward to engaging with you all in this class. Currently I’m developing an anti-Black racism policy for secondary schools in the Peel District School Board. As part of the research process it is important for me to understand what students are feeling and how they can be supported. A big thank you to Dr. Taylor for letting me use this platform to interact with you all! As most of you have recently graduated high school, your experiences and input will be extremely valuable, regardless of where you went to school.


My interpretation of this quote is more focused on the social constructs of power. White supremacy is the ideology behind colonialism and enslavement which has survived and thrived, such that it has become unconceivable for Black people to express any sense autonomy. Attempts and efforts to achieve equity in society is viewed a threat to white people since any challenge against systems of oppression is understood as a challenge to their “being.” Because white supremacy is all that’s been known, Black people demanding to be treated as equals is associated with an attempt to overtake the system. This results in white people becoming defensive of current racist systems. I want to hear your thoughts: In what ways can whiteness be observed in secondary schools? What are some steps that can be taken to work towards a school community where Black students are not limited to their academic opportunities?


I’m looking forward to seeing your comments. And just as a quick reminder, I’m here to help! You can find me at WCOnline every weekday from 12-1 if you need help with your discussions/assignments for this class, or even if you want to have a chat about my project or just about uni life 😊

@September 30 at 8:04 AM

Hey ___,

I'm happy you love the title. You are absolutely right when we make a decision out of anger it is often too late to take back the action or the words that come out. Moving from a place of being hurt, confused or even in aggression never results in a happy ending on both ends. I feel like I needed to add that stats because we often forget that the genes that society says is ugly or unworthy are the strongest genes. The cosmetic industry and surgeons make a lot of money if they convince you that you don't look good. that is why there are images of models that don't even look like average people. So we are always trying to achieve a look that isn't realistic! 

@October 2 at 3:05 PM

Hello ___!

Having graduated from the Peel District School Board last year, I recognize how important it is for anti-Black racism policies to be practiced throughout the Board. I agree with your interpretation of the quote as I also believe it represents social constructs of power. The historical feeling of superiority has created a social, political, and economic advantage that has been unjustly held by white communities. It is my hope that we can collectively challenge this system of oppression and target efforts towards writing historical wrongs. 


In response to your questions: 

For the purpose of clarity, my interpretation of whiteness is: racism which served to elevate white people over members of the Black community. I observed whiteness in my Secondary School through a racial imbalance among teachers. The racial distribution of teachers is often not reflective of the community which they serve. This can ultimately contribute to a power imbalance and feeling of inferiority among students. Similar to systems of government, it is important for people to see themselves represented in positions of authority. I also believe that whiteness is given a platform through academic streaming. This separation denies equal opportunity and encourages a feeling of superiority towards those in a lower academic stream. 


Moving forward, I believe it is important to re-imagine curriculums within the social sciences. It is paramount to highlight the truth behind colonialism and the historical wrongdoings of settlers. The education system can not continue to see settlers as 'heros' while ignoring the violence, mistreatment, and oppression they caused. In my experience, focus placed on Black and Indigenous history is very teacher dependent. I am grateful for those who chose to go beyond the curriculum and spend significant time teaching about the foundation of many problems facing our society today. I believe it is important for Black and Indigenous history to be universally incorporated into history classes in order to better understand how we can move forward. It is critical that students to know their cultural history and accept responsibility for the past. It is only then that we can move forward in a thoughtful, meaningful, and inclusive way.

@October 2 at 11:25 PM

Hi ___! 

Thank you for your thoughtful response! I appreciate the point you make: a lack of racial diversity and representation among teachers is a critical factor that influences the opportunities Black students can envision for themselves. 

In regards to change in education, I would add that all curriculums, in addition to the social sciences, are in need of reformation. The long history of colonialism has nullified the contributions of BIPOC in numerous fields of study. Looking back to my high school experiences, the first time I learned about the significant contributions of Black scientists wasn't until grade 11/12 biology - this was also my first (and only) time having a Black teacher in STEM. It is imperative that the history presented to students is accurate and expresses the injustices faced across all subjects. 

@Sep 28, 2020 8:19 PM

It is important to note in the beginning that, as Dr. Taylor explained, the Americas were built as settler colonialism. The very basis these countries are built on is -in my opinion- chaotic and discriminatory. Indigenous people were killed and imprisoned, and Black people were enslaved and had to work unpaid for the settlers to be able to have their land grow and "build the country".

It is safe to say that white people are starting to recognize the twisted system that brought us to this point. Fortunately, many are playing an active role in spreading awareness and fighting racism. But there are still some people who are sticking to their ideas and "heritage" (either consciously or unconsciously) and they are afraid of a backlash. They think that the people who have been terribly oppressed might use the same measures of oppression against them and that their race will be the next one discriminated against, and that they will face the same as what their ancestors have done.

However, that is not a desirable solution to anyone. And that is obviously not what's intended. 

At first, I wasn't sure about what Dr. Kendi was trying to say, but these were my thoughts on the quote. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

@September 29 at 5:49 AM

I agree I feel like those people you mentioned that are sticking to their “heritage”, are people who feel threatened and are very insecure.  And the success or  achievement by a Black person or any other minority unhinges them after for so long believing that they are the superior race. However no matter how better  they think they are it has not gone unnoticed that in other countries people are very successful. I think this also plays a huge part in their fear of annihilation. I enjoyed your discussion, I thought it was well written and honest. 

@October 1 at 12:12 AM

I like the points you made about white people fearing that the same means of oppression might be used against them if they are no longer the dominant race. It's super interesting because anyone who is a POC, would argue that they would never want to put another human through what they have gone through. POC are not seeking revenge. It is true that the actions of white people towards other races are twisted - but white people seem to have this idea that POC want to hurt them. Like you said, this is not a desirable solution to anyone. I think that reconciliation, education, and change is what communities want to see. 

@Sep 29, 2020 12:40 PM

White people think they are at risk of becoming the minority. I read in Yes magazine that the amount of white people in America has dropped by 60%.  They can see the gene for blonde hair and blue eyes is a recessive gene. We know this because brown eyes and darker features are a dominant gene. If the system is built on the notion that being white is better although their gene is not strong then the system will have to fall!  They have to protect their genes and ideas of what it is to be beautiful (which is to look like them or to have a light skin tone) . 

@September 29 at 10:25 PM

I love what you titled this because I think that it is so true. People are often so blinded by fear they don't realize that decisions they're making are wrong until it's too late. I like that you included the statistic and thought about recessive and dominant genes because it makes what's happening feel more real when it's backed up by scientific info.

@Sep 29, 2020 6:07 PM

I didn't realize the actual term was genetic annihilation, not generic annihilation, so my post is a little different -sorry about that!

I've interpreted Dr. Kendi's quote in two different ways. I think he is either referring to the theory that eventually everyone will be mixed race, or, that white people are trying to hold onto a "white culture" of sorts. I'm going to expand on the second one, because I have more to say in that regard.


A few years ago, there had been an online debate of sorts about Black pride, specifically Black history month and why there wasn't one for "white pride" which is generally known as white power or white supremacy. I remember the conversation surrounding "white pride" had been somewhat of a hot topic at my school. It was usually shut down pretty quickly because the arguments hold no merit and are a mix of ignorant and racist, but some kids seem genuinely confused as to why Black people were given a month to celebrate their culture, heritage and achievements when they were not. "It's not fair" was a popular complaint. On top of ignoring centuries of oppression, discrimination and systemic racism, the argument for "white pride" also fails to address ethnicity within race.


When asked, the large majority of white people can give you exact percentages. They can tell you all about their great grandpa's heritage, when his family came to North America, everything. They likely won't tell you they don't know, because their family wasn't apart of the slave trade, stolen by colonists and/or underrepresented in genealogy websites. We also can't tell you about historic injustices against our families based on racism. BIPOC individuals can. I think this is why Black culture, Black pride (and other non-white pride/culture) are so important. Race has been used to diminish and dehumanize. Because of history, race is something to be proud of. Because of racism. In response to this, people have brought up Irish slavery, proven to be myth, or the internment camps Of Ukrainians, which was xenophobia from other white people. There are no comparisons.

@Sep 29, 2020 8:18 PM

The book "How to be an Anti-Racist" outlines perfectly how everything white supremacists stand for and fight against are all contributing to the annihilation of their race. Dr. Kendi writes a powerful statement claiming that "white supremacists is code for anti-white and white supremacy is nothing short of an ongoing program of genocide against the white race." (Kendi, 2019, pg. 132). This statement really made me look at all of the examples that are discussed in his novel with a new light. White supremacists want to blame others, when really the finger should be pointed back on what they stand for and how those decisions ultimately affect the white race as a whole. 

Another great discussion point in the novel is that "colour always "innihilates" the non-colour, white" (Kendi, 2019, pg. 133). Perhaps if we chose not to see colour at all, then colour could never innihilate non-colour. It's a shift in mindset. We should honour what our history says about our race, however, why do we have to continue seeing one another as different? At what point do we become the HUMAN race, appreciating and valuing all that our cultures bring to the world around us and celebrate our differences while recognizing that beneath our history and experiences, we are all the same. If we as a society can ever get to that point, then annihilation is no longer a fear. 

@October 2 at 10:41 PM

Hi ___, thank you for discussing your thoughts on Dr. Kendi's quote. I can see what you're saying and while I think that recognizing that race is a social construct created and should not be used to divide us is important, I have actually learned that the statement of choosing not to see colour can do more harm than good. This statement essentially means you are choosing not to see something that exists. As much as we wish racism didn't exist, the fact is that racism and white supremacy are what society is built from, and BIPOC are still oppressed to this day. In order to create change, we need to recognize the systems of injustice still present in society, and understand how it privileges white people while disadvantaging Black people. "Colour Blindness" means that we wouldn't be acknowledging the experiences and unequal treatment Black people face, which in turn means we won't be able to address it and create change. I found a great article outlining the harmful impacts of this statement, and it discussed how we need to recognize colour so that we can understand the experiences people have had due to their skin colour and recognize our own biases and stereotypes so that we can change them, but not use skin colour as a means of making decisions, or treating people differently. 




A quote that really stood out to me in Eternity Martis book is "Those oppressed under systems of oppression are always at the expense of the oppressor's narrative. But the status quo knows the power our stories have to make these systems crumble" (Martis, 237). I think it is essential that we do recognize that race and racism has impacted peoples lives, and as Eternity Martis said, those stories and experiences is a powerful way we can create change in our world and work towards equal rights for all.

@Sep 29, 2020 9:09 PM

I would agree with the quote and argue that population demographics alone are demonstrating a shift in how our society is being structured creating a generic annihilation of white people. Canada’s institutions have primarily been dominated by Caucasian. This control has essentially created and shaped customs, norms and culture in our country. However, the immigration policies for the past decades have welcomed a broad range of people with diverse backgrounds to live and contribute to our way of life. This is coupled with a birth rate that is seeing more non-Caucasians in our society to the point that by 2050 non-white will be the majority of people living in our country.


This population shift is what I believe the author is getting at regarding generic annihilation. White people will still live in Canada but they will no longer hold all positions of influence in our society. We see this trend now in our professional positions in our society such as doctors and lawyers. Even our own Canadian government has slowly started to change by having a more diverse group of representatives. Overall, the demographics are changing which brings fear amongst Caucisan people. 

@October 1 at 10:04 AM

Hi ___,

I agree with your statement that a change in demographics is bringing fear to Caucasian people. I do have a question for you. Do you believe that as the number of White people dwindles, White supremacy will become a more prevalent issue? My reasoning for this is that White supremacists hold that ideology that Whiteness should remain dominant in society, and will inevitably grasp at straws to hold onto that power.

@Sep 29, 2020 10:04 PM

I think this quote has to do with the idea of white supremacy. White supremacy is where many white people think that they should always dominate or be in control of everything, especially because society currently operates in their favour. But what if one day society didn't operate in the favour of white people? White people sometimes advocate for only themselves and only stick up for people who look like them. One day this might backfire on them if they were to ever become the minority group and people of colour became the majority. 

@October 2 at 9:28 AM

Hi ___, 

I like how you touched on the point that white supremacists only are advocating for themselves and their own race. In my opinion I think this drastically effects the quality of life of minority groups in countries like Canada and the United States. When people who have these views are in positions of power they do everything they can to help their own race but, minorities don't benefit from it in the ways that white people do. Through the course of history they have had this privilege for so long and they refuse for it to go away which is why they fear their genetic alienation. 

@October 2 at 12:00 PM

Hey ___! I loved how your post was both straightforward and informative while touching on the concept of white supremacy that we learned in this course. I also wonder about our societal structure would differ if the white race were a minority. Would our power structures change? Would there be a new majority in power? 

@October 2 at 1:06 PM

Hey ___, I like how you tied in White Supremacy. I agree with you on your post. That is a good question to pose, "But what if one-day society didn't operate in the favour of white people?" I really did enjoy your post, great job!

@Sep 30, 2020 9:38 AM

This quote was a little hard to crack at first but I came to the conclusion that there could be several interpretations. The way I see it - the quote is trying to explain the justification that white people use when they act the way they do. White people for centuries have always taken on the role of the higher race (take slavery for example) and have created that ideology in opposition to Black people. This has been so greatly embedded into colonial culture that every ‘altercation’ that is experienced by a Black person, perpetrated by a white person, is seen to be justified by the fact that ‘white people were put in a position of danger’. This can be seen through police attacks on innocent Black people, Breonna Taylor, Jacob Blake, Elijah McClain and hundreds of others. All of these people were not served justice because the white perpetrators have claimed they were risking their lives if they had not deescalated the situation. Looking at this from a broader perspective, you can say that these perpetrators were fearful that their master race would gradually go extinct because Black people live in their communities. Look at it this way, white people would not hurt black people if they did not fear that their race was being threatened by another rising and powerful race. I would also like to add the fact I believe white people are aware of the gradual societal acceptance of black people and due to this, white supremacists feel threatened because they see the uproar that happens when there is the media coverage on incidents. What is ironic to me is that white people are so fearful of becoming the minority and being treated like a minority but do not for a second realize that is the struggle everyday for everyone else because of them.

@Sep 30, 2020 2:36 PM

When I first read the quote, it reminded me of what some white supremacists said about why they were rallying. They would say that they are fighting for “the survival of our race”. That is an overt example of what the quote says.

By 2050, the US is expected to become a “majority minority” country, where there will be more people of color than white people. This is a scary thought for many.


After some research, I found out that this fear of White people going extinct has resulted in real policy. The convergent effects of new laws banning abortion together with old laws promoting mass incarceration of Black and Brown people suggest that this White fear is not just an idea, but the catalyst for public policy. There indeed appears to be a strong correlation between demographic projections, the fear of White genetic annihilation, and the recent wave of abortion bills. The late Frances Cress Welsing, psychiatrist and author of The Isis Papers: The Keys to the Colors and The Cress Theory of Color Confrontation and Racism, is well-known for her theory of Black and Brown genetic dominance over the White recessive gene. “People of color have the capacity to genetically annihilate White people,” she explained, “and unless White people control the reproduction of people of color, we can postulate that perhaps one day there won’t be any White people.”(Carla Bell, Race against time: How white fear of genetic annihilation fuels abortion bans 2019)


Part of me, however, sees this as an excuse that White Supremacists and new age White moderates i.e. the centrists use, to maintain the system of oppression. In last weeks module we discussed about how race is social and political construct. The colonial settlers used racist ideas, such as ‘Black people are lesser than human and they were biologically made for serving’, to justify the institution of slavery, which was quite economically beneficial for the wealthy landowners and farmers. These ideas were entrenched in ordinary white people through religion. Now these ideas are being entrenched through fear that relatively liberal minorities will take over.

This fear was clearly articulated by US Senator Lindsey Graham at the 2012 Republican National Convention: “The demographics race we’re losing badly … [Republicans are] not generating enough angry white guys to stay in business for the long term”. (Carla Bell, Race against time: How white fear of genetic annihilation fuels abortion bans 2019)


In the past racism and racist ideas were used to protect the economic power of the elites, now they are being used to protect the political power.

@Sep 30, 2020 5:58 PM

Dehumanizing and racially exploiting Black people throughout history was common among those who held higher in rank. That there was and always has been White dominance, that White people were in control  The politically economical system, governance and laws have been built around the idea that those with privilege could only ultimately benefit from the laws and its system ruling over. Intertwined through political governance, the facts (of history) remain the same that these institutions still brutalize those who are a minority, and it continues its evident presence today. The quote given for discussion is  "White people are defending against their own generic destruction." And that’s exactly it. The defensiveness strategy that has carried throughout history. The denial that these laws could ever portray the historic racism that still correlates with laws today. The idea that white people may not hold all power one day leads them to defend their race. If you look at our current state of leaders today, for example, President Trump has denied that there is any sort of systemic racism, alluding to the point that the governance of America would allow minorities to receive a lack of benefits as opposed to others. Yet they don’t see the destruction they’ve caused and covered it up with the government. I think that this defensive mechanism that White people use gives them a kind of feeling that because modern actors of politics today weren’t involved with something so racist then, it doesn’t apply now, therefore believing laws today wouldn’t stand racist. But it’s the lack of understanding of how the domino effect works. One thing starting in history long ago reaches to this day, and the history of racism goes along with it, it is not completely removed and should be acknowledged.

@September 30 at 7:16 PM

Hey ___, I think your response is really well written. I agree that a lot of the racist behaviour comes from that denial that there is anything wrong at all. I sort of think of it like white people have had privilege for so long, that nothing feels wrong until it starts to be taken away because privilege is "the normal". So I agree that it's honestly insane especially president Trump's behaviour towards the idea of white privilege and how blind to his own privilege he is. Also the mention of how people disregard racism as "something of the past even though it's very much a present issue it just looks different than the past, I totally agree. Great response I agree completely, good job!

@October 1 at 1:07 AM

Hey ___and ___,

I too, fully agree with Arifa's point that not acknowledging the issue of systemic racism only exacerbates the problem. The mention of Trump's denial, reminded me of an old question that use to bug me a lot when I use to think about racism and the state of race relations in America and Canada. In my post, I mentioned that many Republican politicians have expressed their fear that if White people are no longer in majority then it would hurt their electoral politics. Do people who actively defend and try to maintain the system of oppression of Black and Brown folks actually sit together and plan on doing that or is it that they are just that ignorant about their own privilege and racist instincts.

I use to believe that no one can be that wrong about something, but no I think about the voter suppression laws in the US and anti-abortion bills to increase births of White kids, I'm not so sure.

What do you guys think?  

@Sep 30, 2020 7:10 PM

I think this quote is a truth that some people don’t necessarily want to recognize but have to. We’ve seen that the stem of racism is often a fear or dislike towards something that is different. Which comes along with Kendi’s quote that really racism is white people being afraid of people that are different being able to live the same lives and have the same freedoms including having children, and passing on their genetics. Many acts of racial discrimination especially in North America fall into the category of the “go back to where you came from” idea, which is debunked time and time again by the idea that both america and canada are free countries. Not only that but also the fact that many people who have that phrase used against them are legal citizens of, or were born in, their prospective country. 


This racist behaviour sometimes makes you think why? What’s the actual root of the fear, is it just a fear of all differences? Maybe when someone speaks another language other than english, or eats a different type of food than they’re used to? Realistically this “fear” comes from the fear that maybe what they’re doing, or who they are is actually inferior to someone or something else. Racism is white people not wanting to accept or respect other cultures, over fear it might trump their own (if you would consider white people to have a culture).


 I think Kendi’s quote perfectly sums up the racist history and behaviour of white people because it tells the truth about why people really are racist, and what it means about their own life and insecurities. An example is like a chain of command in a workplace, it would be extremely inappropriate for a boss to make fun of or berate their workers beneath them because it’s an abuse of power. History shows deep within the systems in our country and others that white people hold the power. So to fear and shame those who the odds are statistically stacked against is just plain bullying for no purpose. It comes from a place of fear, when really, is there anything to fear when you are the most privileged of all parties?

@October 1 at 9:52 AM

Hi ___,

I really like what you said about the truth behind why people are really racist and how their own insecurities play into that. I touched on this in my own post, but I think that White fragility is a good term to describe the defensiveness that comes as a result of those insecurities. I agree with you that those insecurities come from a place of fear, but fear of what? Is it a fear of a negative social appearance? A fear of those that are unlike them? I don't have an answer to that question but I think it would be very enlightening to discover the source of that fear.

@October 1 at 2:11 PM

Hi ___, 

I would agree that Caucasian race has been dominate for many years and now we are seeing a shift. This shift has caused fear amongst white supremacist. While Caucasian people are banning together to help stop the spread of white supremacy I think more has to done. Since this idea of the Caucisan race being better than Black has been ingrained within our society for years. Would you agree? 

@October 2 at 10:12 AM

Hello Daisy! 

I really enjoyed your analysis of the quote and how you challenged the ideas of racism with questions we should all take time to consider. I agree that the root of racism often comes from fear. This fear of the unknown: xenophobia, further develops into feelings of superiority, oppression, and hatred for the "other". 


I agree with how awful the phrase "go back to where you came from" is while I see irony in it as well. Those preaching this phrase do so with a confident claim to the land on which they stand. However, when highlighting the reality of colonialism, we see that settlers invaded this land, unjustly claiming it, and now treat others as if their ancestors did not also migrate. 

I would further like to add to your idea of racism. You mentioned racism as a lack of acceptance towards a different cultural group. I believe that racism extends beyond this and is used as a tool and system for oppression towards minority populations. This prejudice and discrimination is rooted in racial or ethnic differences. 


I believe this quote also ties in the ideas of white and whiteness from this week. The social, political, and economic advantage that has been unjustly held by white communities stems from their historical supremacy. This cultural monopoly has created a feeling of superiority and white people are "defending against" the "genetic annihilation" of this advantage.  

@Sep 30, 2020 11:32 PM

For as long as any of us can remember (and as long as history books go back) white people have always been seen as the superior race. From enslaving Black people, to residential schools for the Indigenous Peoples where the goal was essentially to breed out the 'Indian' in them, white people have done whatever they deem necessary to keep themselves on top. But in more recent years, Black people and other races have been fighting for equality and equity, fighting for a society where the colour of your skin doesn't define who you are. Now some white people have been accepting of this hope for the future and have joined in the efforts, but others continue to fight for white supremacy. White people 'defending' themselves is their way of wanting to continue racism simply because they want to remain on top, they do this through yelling, arguing, and in the most serious cases they will start a fight or cause an unnecessary death. Unfortunately I don't believe these white supremacists will ever stop, and the only hope is that as time passes on and an equal society is achieved the number of this group will dwindle out until they are only pages in our history books.   

@October 1 at 10:33 AM

___ you make an interesting point, this isn't a new thing. This goes back many many years! With colonization and slavery, whites have always been the ones who needed to be in control and are willing to do whatever that takes. They have this need to have all the power. I just think now they are coming to this realization that they will be outnumbered one day and now are trying everything they can to try and stop it. Sadly, I think you are right and this way of thinking will always be there right along with white supremacists. 

@October 1 at 11:04 AM

Hi ___, 
I am right there with you. It's very upsetting that instead of embracing a new society where the colour of a person's skin doesn't matter that there are still some people who continue to hold onto racism simply because they don't want to give up their white privilege. After the decades of torment white people have put other ethnicities through I believe the least they should do is support the change that needs to happen. 

@October 1 at 8:49 PM

Hi ___,

I like that you also included Indigenous people in your discussion post. The government still will not call it cultural genocide and I feel that it's very relevant in understand (at least in Canada) that White people have been doing this for years. It isn't new that White people are trying to, essentially, weed out other races. Thanks for your input!

@Oct 1, 2020 12:06 AM

I have to admit that at first, trying to understand what this means took me a while. My take on this is that in this society shaped by settler colonialism, where white people have power amongst basically everyone else, white people have come to fear that one day, they may not be the dominant group. Every day, through education and especially youth activism, people are working to make this a reality. With protests surrounding the BLM movements, and also surrounding current issues in Canada among the Indigenous people (such as the Wet’suwet’en protests back in the earlier months of 2020), we are slowly, but surely, clearing a path. That being said, in my opinion, white supremacy will never cease to exist. The power of white people has not changed, despite the growing power of people of colour (POC). The only reason that white people are fearing annihilation is because for once, not everything is under their complete control. Now, on the contrary, it is not to say that white people shouldn’t fear being ‘overthrown’. Racism and oppression built from colonialism and white supremacy has built a strong community of POC. For example, Indigenous people are often described as resilient, as they have been put through so much damage - at the hands of the governments. The same can be said for Black people, and other races. During this current age, and in this current time period, POC have come together to create change and although there is still a lot of hatred and discrimination, there is extreme support, too. Brands, celebrities, influencers, and media are all examples of support (in most cases). White people feel threatened by this, and they should. After years of genocide, slavery, racism, discrimination and white supremacy, where POC were threatened (and still are today - all of this is still going on, today), they are here to fight back.

@October 1 at 11:14 AM

Hi ___

I really loved your points. As far as really anyone can remember, white people have always been in control of everything. Now that that is starting to change, there are people who are accepting the idea of a new society, and there are people like white supremacists who are fighting against this change through violent acts. After the decades POC have suffered like slavery, and residential schools, I believe the least we can do is support them on their quest for equality but I don't think that will be the case. I think these white supremacists will continue their negative mindsets until eventually their mindset will be lost. 

@October 1 at 12:54 PM

I agree. Of course, I am all for supporting the journey. I hope that one day things change. White people carry A LOT of power, but, things change quickly. 

@October 2 at 3:30 AM

Hi ___!! I think you made some really good points about how White people are fearing annihilation because not everything is under their control for once. They fear that the system built to benefit just white people is changing and they don't have the same control as they had before. I also like how you mentioned the support POC receive by listing the examples!

@Oct 1, 2020 5:23 AM

I would want to start by first asking, what exactly do we mean and know about genetic annihilation? It’s the fear of the Whites of genetic dominance of Black and Brown people. In an article by Carla Bell, it is mentioned that currently, 60% of the American population is of whites, down from about 90% in 1950. It’s projected that by 2050, they will be the new minority and people of colour will be the majority, a nightmarish prediction for some whites as their 'economic and social status' will be compromised and put to a disadvantageous position. In my view, principle of genetic annihilation is neither an idea, nor a belief, it is merely a fear of losing one's status and power in the society. Some whites might view the majority-minority shift as a threat. 


To prevent the growing population of the Blacks, stricter laws are being introduced to prevent white women from opting abortion. This will somehow ensures that the demographic equilibrium is maintained. By introducing such laws and regulations, whites are trying to justify their fear. Whites thinking that they have privilege over the Blacks, are viewing this as a fear to their social position. 

@October 1 at 10:22 AM

___, these laws that are being put into place are very sad. It's very discouraging to think that we are moving backwards as a society. These laws and regulations are setting as back, back to a time that people have fought long and hard for to get us to where we are now. The fact that white females might not be able to have an abortion, just to make sure the whites numbers are rising is disgusting. 

Thank you for sharing this information!

@October 2 at 2:07 AM

Hi! Thank you for reading it! I completely agree with you on how we are moving backwards as a society. Rather than thinking of moving ahead, we are introducing such laws which are absolutely unnecessary, just to justify our fears and maintain the dominant position in society. 

@October 1 at 6:39 PM

Hi ___,

How you view and explained genetic annihilation  as  "neither an idea, nor a belief, it is merely a fear of losing one's status and power in the society" really put it into perspective for me, in terms how of it was used in society and still is unfortunately. I really like how you gave those statistics. They paint a vivid picture of what the future of society could look like based on what is currently happening.

Thank you!

@October 2 at 2:11 AM

Hi ___! Thank you for reading it! It really pinches me when I read about such laws being introduced just for the sake of protecting ones social status. It is merely the fear of Whites that their social standing and status be affected once the Black are in majority. They're only justifying their fears by putting to force such laws. 

@October 2 at 12:27 PM

Hi ___! Great discussion post! I especially appreciated how you elaborated on the idea of "generic annihilation", as I did have my own doubts on how exactly to interpret that! When you mentioned that White people may find the majority-minority shift as a threat, it really makes you realize how they are truly aware of their White privilege, yet simply choose to ignore the injustice because they benefit from it! Awesome job. 

@Oct 1, 2020 9:28 AM

Looking at the quote "white people are defending against their own generic annihilation" by Dr. Kendi, my mind goes to White fragility. The accusation of racist behaviour is a statement of one's morals and values. We know that racism is unacceptable, and so to defend our morals, we reflexively become defensive rather than reflecting on the behaviour that provoked that accusation. White people don't want to believe that they continue to benefit from a system that has historically and presently worked in their favour and worked against people of colour. Many remain blind to the fact that they do not struggle in a system designed for them. White supremacy remains a prevalent issue in a society built to benefit the White community. Racism goes hand-in-hand with White supremacy - White people are defending themselves from association with white supremacy. However, they are at the same time trying to salvage that 'dominance' that Whiteness holds in our society. We place immense value on Whiteness because we know that rather than having the struggle of racial inequality, Whiteness comes with the benefits of racial inequality. White people can condemn racist behaviours and align themselves with anti-racist values, but cannot deny that losing the value of Whiteness means losing some of the benefits that they have in society.

@October 1 at 1:05 PM

Hi ___, 

Some really interesting points here. The blindness many white people continue to show is just one part of white supremacy. These systems were built for them at the expense of Black and Racialized peoples. I definitely agree, racism does go hand in hand. I like your last point about the value of Whiteness. I don't think people are ready to lose the benefits they have in order to move towards social change. 

@Oct 1, 2020 10:09 AM

This quote to me means that white people are scared that they are going to be outnumbered. And with being outnumbered they are worried that they will lose all this power and control that they seem to need and have. By ‘defending against their own generic annihilation’ they are scared and willing to do whatever it takes to defend themselves. Whether this is through violence, riots, hate groups, and many other forms of racism and anger. White Supremacist have this need for control and belief that they are superior. This is why we see these riots and why to this day that there is still racism. White supremacist can be brutal and ruthless, they are very selfish and can be dangerous and this leads to white violence. White people have this fear of a ‘white genocide’ where they think that the whites will be outnumbered or even extinct. This theory angers many white supremacists, where they see ‘whiteness’ as being superior and anyone else is below them.


This quote to me is a clear example of white privilege. White people have found a way to make it about them, they are not the ones having to fight for their rights every day. Yet, here we are taking everything for granted just because white people are scared of being a white minority.  White fragility is another example here. They have this fear and even just this little amount of racial stress has led them to this defensive angry state of hostility.

@October 1 at 11:08 AM

Hi ___!

You made some true points here. At this point in time white supremacists are just trying to delay the inevitable, they are trying to defend racism until the last person they have and will continue to try and carry on these negative thoughts. Unfortunately I think they will be able to hold out for a little longer, especially after the current president of the United States refused to comment on White Supremacist groups which I found so disturbing. 

@October 1 at 1:01 PM

Hi ___,

Great points you made about white genocide and white fear. It is an extremely problematic cycle that perpetuates hate and violence. The reality is that white people will always have some form of power. We are living in a country founded on colonialism and genocide, so every system we know of has allowed white people to gain power and control. 

@October 1 at 1:46 PM

Hi ___, 

I would agree that Caucasian people are scared of being outnumbered. They don't have any control which creates fear amongst them. Everything from our systems and institutions have be  been dominated by Caucasian people. I would argue that the demographic shift has added to this fear. Would you agree? 

@October 2 at 8:50 PM

___, yes you make a good point I think that this shift has lot's to do with this and is adding to their fears!

@October 2 at 9:02 PM

Hi ___,

You made some great points here! I also thought about white supremacists and their idea of "white genocide" in my response. Their hateful ideology just baffles me; what do they think make white people so special that they are afraid of 'going extinct'? Their anger and hostility is truly scary.

@Oct 1, 2020 12:51 PM

This week's module was powerful and eye opening. To me, Dr. Kendi's quote means that White people whether they are aware of it or not, continue to enable systems of White supremacy by still having control and power over the political, economic and social forces in our world. Many White people fail to acknowledge the ways in which they benefit from racist policies and systems that continue to oppress Black and Racialized peoples. Their privileges allows them the freedom to step away from the very real issues impacting Black people and their ability to move freely in all spaces because of the power they have. The defensiveness many White people show when being confronted about racism, is again their ability to weaponize their guilt and ignorance without any real consequences. The historical context of how these systems came to be are stark reminders that we all inadvertently play a role in injustice, inequality and oppression. For example, in "They Said This Would be Fun," Eternity Martis details aggressive and violent encounters she had with White men when frequenting London bars. Two men were harassing Martis and her friend. When she steps in to challenge them, they tell her to go back to "your third world country, bitch," threaten to assault her and continue following them as they walk away. Eternity goes on to say they never spoke about that situation. This made me realize how easy it is for White people, particularly white men to perpetuate violence and harm without any justice because they are not policed in the way Black people are. This is only one part of a racist system in which White people continue to benefit. 

@October 2 at 10:34 PM

WOW, great connection from the novel reassign to this weeks topic! I didn't even consider the correlation between Martis' book and the quote. In my opinion, the quote discusses the ideal of white guilt and the fears of retaliation stemming from Black communities. I agree, that they're defensiveness may serve as a tactic to weaponize their guilt while avoiding any 'real' consequences! Do you think feelings of Anti-racism towards  Black people more often comes from white men rather than white woman? I never thought of it like that.. Great point!

@Oct 1, 2020 3:51 PM

In seeing this quote, I had to break it up to fully understand what I thought it meant. I did this by understanding what the words “generic annihilation” meant in this context. To me, this quote means that white people are afraid of the extinction of their race as being white individuals. I did some research on this notion to see if there was anything to back it up and there was! Many articles claim that it is a fear of white individuals that the white population is slowly diminishing. As a result of this fear, white individuals participate in behaviours that promote white supremacy. This quote means that white people are trying to defend and protect themselves from extinction, extinction of their race. This thought and fear of white individuals that they may go extinct and that they will be annihilated is in fact a white supremacist belief in that they blame other races and cultures for being more abundant compared to them, basically blaming others. 

@October 1 at 7:10 PM

I think it's interesting how you used the word 'fear' in this analyisis! It got me thinking about what white supremacists are really afraid of when they express concern over the state of the 'white race'. Is their fear justified? The fear of a genetic annihilation implies that this particular group of people place a considerable amount of importance on the concept of race, but why is that?

Good work! 

@October 2 at 8:10 PM

I think every particular group of people or race of people place a considerable amount of importance in society however, I'm not entirely sure that their dear is justified. I mean it would make sense, if Black people were going extinct or any other race or group of people we going extinct it would be considered an issue in society and would decrease diversity. However, I dont think that their actions are justified in the way that they are trying to prevent their annihilation. 

@Oct 1, 2020 6:13 PM

In this quote, Dr. Kendi is speaking on Dr. Frances Cress Welsing’s “The Cress Theory of Color, Confrontation, and Racism”. In this psycho-genetic theory, she explains how racism is deeply rooted based on how much melanin and natural skin pigment can alter how one views the social construct of ‘race’.  “The quality of whiteness is a genetic inadequacy or a relative deficiency or disease based upon the inability to produce the skin pigments of melanin which are responsible for all skin colour”. Dr Welsing goes on to explain further that, “colour always ‘annihilates’… the non colour being white”.  The white gene is recessive, since it does not contain much pigment. For instance, if a white person and a Black person were to have a child, the child would have a darker skin tone due to the dominant melanin gene being present. Due to this, white people are defending themselves out of fear of a “white genocide”. Therefore, white people are defending against their own genetic annihilation, due to feeling threatened by the Black population’s dominant melanin gene, which is causing a decrease of white skin tones in society.

@October 1 at 7:54 PM

Hi ___!

In my opinion, I believe any "science" used to rationalize racism is dangerous, and leads one to believe that race is a genetic fact. It's been established it is not. 


The idea that white people should fear "genetic annihilation" is rooted in white supremacy. There is nothing wrong with being Black, so such a fear is irrational and based in the idea that "white is superior", which is inherently racist.

@October 2 at 1:07 AM

Hey ___!

Thank you for your response and I agree. As I mentioned previously, this fear that white people have is them feeling threatened by the Black population, based on their dominant genetics when it comes to their skin tone. This ideology is definitely rooted in white supremacy, since in the system the white population is dominant and if another race shows dominance in any form, they will feel threatened. To even prove their threat, they will use “science”, which as you said can be dangerous. Trying to use scientific evidence has become a norm for individuals to defend their racist ideologies and arguments however, this becomes harmful to our society and most importantly the Black community.

@Oct 1, 2020 6:25 PM

White people defending against their own “genetic annihilation” is a sentiment rooted in white supremacy. A genetic annihilation implies the white “race” is a biological fact and must be protected against forces that would otherwise “deplete” the white population. The idea is not to protect the white race itself but protect the numbers that give white people an advantage over BIPOC. In other words, those who defend against their own genetic annihilation wish to protect the numbers that put them in a position of superiority, or the majority.

@Oct 1, 2020 6:42 PM

Frances Cress Welsing, psychiatrist, published a controversial piece, "Cress theory of colour confrontation," that argued racism and hate crimes against Black individuals and people of colour occurred due to white individuals' inferiority complex. She believed that white people feared that their race would become extinct due to their recessive genes and the fact that white individuals made up 10 percent of the world's total population. Dr. Wesling thus attributed racist policies and actions as a defence mechanism against annihilation. She applied Freudian theories, such as his psychoanalytic theory, to hypothesize that white individuals projected their inferiority onto African Americans.
Quite a few journalists dismissed her theory on the arguments that it was not scientifically backed. While Welsing's ideas, in a way, were meant to encourage Black pride, her stance was leaning more towards Black superiority. Welsing's extreme views went against many Black power activists' ideas, as they believed adopting the ways of white racists would only result in the self-destruction of a minority group. This was also counterproductive, as it allowed the media to undermine Black struggles and deem the Black Lives Matter or Black Power movement as a racial superiority movement.
However, a few African Americans welcomed her stance and perspective because after being exposed to white supremacy, "Black supremacy was a breath of fresh air," according to Dr. James Bracy, UCLA Professor. Her views resonated with a few individuals, indicating the deep-seated frustrations of the African American community and the fear and racism they live by, each waking day.

@October 1 at 9:32 PM

I totally agree with the points you have brought up. This just goes to show that white people are aware of how Black individuals are treated, yet they would still do anything to not be in their shoes. This not only shows that they are aware of what they have been doing historically and systemically, but it also shows how much they're willing to give up on their powers to promote equity/equality. 

@Oct 1, 2020 6:48 PM

Referring to the passage in the book where this statement is found, this ties into White supremacists fearing "White genocide". One ideology is that White people won't be the superior or dominant race, or it could be the fact that the number of White people are being overpowered by the amount of Black people that are currently present. The world runs different in these times; meaning there used to be segregation or there wasn't an ability for foreigners come into the country and play an equal role that White people do. There's a fear White supremacists have where this set up has changed and that it's almost "losing power to minorities" because they're being outdone by numbers, and that's where the fear of their own genetic annihilation comes in. These days, people are more welcoming and accepting of interracial couples/families. If a White person mixes their genetic code with a Black person, you get a biracial child which they feel adds to the genetic annihilation of White people and the loss of the heritage of being purely white. With that being said, the acceptance of intermingling with races in some parts of society in our world today is warming and a step in the right direction.

@Oct 1, 2020 7:36 PM

White people are attempting to prevent a reality in which POC may be the majority through interracial relationships (and in turn, mixed children.)

This fear stems from a place of not wanting to sacrifice the power they’ve cultivated through centuries of perpetuating white supremacy. As the majority, having the most political and economic power would be justifiable. The argument that the government should reflect the majority would be made. If POC replaced white people as the majority of the population, they would have no reason to hold as much authority over the institutions in our society as they do. White people fear surrendering the power they gained through ensuring the systemic oppression of non-white individuals.

@Oct 1, 2020 7:46 PM

This quote brings out all the underlying racism that individuals face due to white privilege. For me, it is telling me that white people are afraid to go extinct or even the thought about being a minority group is terrifying to them. Thus, they want to be able to maintain their whiteness, this way they can keep repopulating and regenerating/practicing more genetically programmed white privilege, instead of working towards bringing equity and equality. It is clear that there are racist policies as Dr. Kendi mentions in his book, on the other side of that is people benefiting from those policies, more specifically white people. Therefore, white individuals do not want to lose that genetically programmed privilege that gives them power over minority groups such as Black communities. For instance, if someone is white they can easily make a Black person look like the criminal by relying on racism or even rely on their whiteness to get away with so much that any other race wouldn’t be able to. This goes in so many different aspects of life including school settings, work environment, within a court of law etc. 

@Oct 1, 2020 8:43 PM

    • I'm having a bit of trouble putting this quote into my own words for it to make sense. I understand what the quote is saying and that White people have, and continue to do, so many things to so many different races to try and withhold their White superiority. They continue to do anything in their power to hold, what they believe to be, the superior race. They have done it to the Indigenous people and continue to refuse to call it cultural genocide in Canada. In an article I read (posted below), it states that Ben Wattenberg has come to the same conclusion as Frances Cress Welsing saying that without a rise in White births, White people would soon become the minority; this causes the fear that White people would soon come to their own annihilation. Since people are becoming more accepting of interracial relationships, more people are having biracial babies. In the book it says that White people make up 10% of the world's population and that Europeans are doing "what they have to do" to survive. Therefore, White people are defending against their own genetic annihilation to continue to withhold, what they think is, superiority.

@October 2 at 1:30 PM

Hey ___:)

I completely agree. I love how you referenced Indigenous people in your response, it's sad how indigenous people are fighting the same battle but their voices get lost.  I also find it interesting how white people have this fear of losing superiority, which means they are aware of the power they hold. They choose to ignore it. 

Great Job !!!

@Oct 1, 2020 10:24 PM

This quote to me mainly means that white people will go to certain extent to defend their own genetic annihilation, and keep white supremacy alive. This is because white people want to stay in power to control minority groups such as Black people. Since more individuals are bringing awareness to oppression towards Black people, this means white people are becoming less mainstream, and they are worried for their survival. The rise of white people defending their own genetics is most common when there is a strong activism going against white people. The fears of them being a minority means they cannot keep racist policies alive, that they have been benefiting from, in terms of power, economic, status etc. This also means that their future children will not be able to live off of their built privilege they had for centuries, thus, it heightens their anxiety and fear.   

@October 2 at 2:51 PM

I agree! White people definitely want to save their genetically inherited powers to control minority groups. However, there's a change occurring with interracial couple emerging more. This along with many different reasons creates fear and anxiety among white people who hold a lot of power and privilege. 

@October 2 at 6:48 PM

Hi ___,

Your response pretty well summed up white fragility for me. White people are so afraid of losing any power that they currently hold. It seems so ironic that they claim to be afraid their power will be stolen and used against them. When reading this it also made me reflect on the fact that white people are afraid of being treated the way they treat POC, reinforcing the fact that they are very aware of  their active discrimination against minorities. They claim to not be racist through performative actions on social media, but fear being treated the way they treat POC.

@Oct 2, 2020 3:06 AM

This quote took me a while to understand. At first, I  thought it meant that White people are defending their destruction of others but as I analyzed it further it started making more sense. I  think that this quote is talking about how White people are speaking up and defending against the issues caused by their privilege and systems designed by them. This could be a factor of White guilt which is defined as the individual or collective guilt felt by some White people for harm resulting from racist treatment of racialized groups by other White people both historically and currently. The White guilt could result in them using their privilege, White privilege is defined as the benefits and protections afforded to whites based upon skin color,  to speak on racial issues. An example would be speaking on police brutality but not taking further action on the issue. â€‹â€‹

@October 2 at 9:42 AM

Hi ___, 

I think it is important that you brought up the point of white guilt and that many are defending against issues caused by the systems that are built around them, like you said. Many people say they are against these systems but aren't doing much about it and aren't fighting for equality. Do you think some of those doing this is because they actually don't want to lose their power or their privilege and they fear not having it?

@October 2 at 12:44 PM

Hi ___,

I do think that the fear of losing their power plays a role in why people aren't acting on what they say. The fear of being outnumbered and losing all this power and control that they seem to need may be a key reason people aren't turning their words into actions to make a change. 

@Oct 2, 2020 9:17 AM

How I reflect on the following quote "White people are defending against their own genetic annihilation.” is that I believe Dr. Kendi is saying white people fear their race is going to fade and with that fear has them fighting for their race to stay alive. Individuals who believe this and are defending it are falling under the definition of white supremacy as they don’t want anyone but themselves to have the greatest economic, political and cultural control and power. This superiority and entitlement seeks people wanting to stay dominant and they fear their privilege over other races may diminish. An example of this occurring in our world is in the United States where anti-abortion legislation is happening more across the country. This is to try and prevent their white genetics from becoming annihilated in a country that is becoming more and more diversified each year. This growing diversity should be viewed as a positive thing but instead those who view it as a threat want to erase it.

@October 2 at 12:41 PM

Hi ___! Thanks for the feedback! :)

@October 2 at 12:39 PM

Hi ___! I really liked your discussion post. I appreciate your use of examples because they really help to understand the given quote, and to truly understand how the the rapid growth of diversity in the USA is seen as so much of a threat to White supremacists, that laws such as the anti-abortion legislations are being placed in order to preserve white genetics. Great job!

@October 2 at 1:35 PM

Thank you ___!

@Oct 2, 2020 9:30 AM

Ibram X. Kendi mirrors the critical analysis of white supremacy outlined throughout this week. Prefacing the idea of genetic annihilation, Kendi offers the idea that: “How we frame the problem—and who we frame as the problem—shapes the answers we find” (Kendi 133). I believe this offers a unique perspective on the search for biological theories and challenges readers to recognize their bias. Through the quote: “White people are defending against their own genetic annihilation” (133), Kendi is highlighting the idea of white and whiteness. As defined, white and whiteness are social, political, and historical constructs designed to consolidate power. Whiteness was ultimately created in opposition of ‘Blackness’ and in justification of oppression. The social, political, and economic advantage that has been unjustly held by white communities stems from their historical supremacy. This cultural monopoly has created a feeling of superiority and white people are “defending against” the “genetic annihilation” of this advantage. I believe this genetic annihilation is defended in fear of losing power. I agree with Kendi that this will ultimately cause hostility and aggression however the costs of colour alienation far outweighs power.

@October 2 at 12:34 PM

Hi ___! Awesome discussion post! I really appreciate how you used the text to fully understand what Dr Kendi meant through the given quote. When you mentioned that White people may find the shift in power as a threat, it really makes one realize how they are truly aware of their White privilege, yet simply choose to ignore the injustice because they benefit from it! 

@Oct 2, 2020 9:38 AM

Throughout history, white people have declared superiority over other races, making them the individuals in power. Yet, this superiority was naturally self-proclaimed as nothing made them better. However, it was this privilege and power that allowed to conquer and influence countries. Whether slavery or mass genocide White history is the erasure of People of Colour history. Stealing people, culture, and ideas are all fine when you rewrite history books depicting yourselves as heroes and the enemy as animals. This massacre of culture robbed the future generations of their identity and community. As seen in the influence of Eurocentric beauty standards all across the world, blonde hair blue eyes. This is what they fear, the loss of dominancy in society, feeling inferior if not in control. What white people are afraid of losing is their white supremacy ideologies that have been ingrained in modern society. Yet white should be scared, as people of colour have fought and continue to fights for equal rights in society. When one is so used to privilege, equality seems unfair. To be annihilated as they annihilated is white people's biggest fear. 

@October 2 at 1:15 PM

Hey ___,

I really enjoyed your discussion post, lots of great points were made. I really like your statement at the end, "To be annihilated as they annihilated is white people's biggest fear," I agree with this statement. You are correct, People of Colour are fighting back and will continue to fight for equal rights. Great job mentioning the beauty standards, massacres of cultures, and mass genocides. Amazing job!

@October 2 at 7:03 PM

Hi ___!

Wow! I found your response to be so well-written and concise. As I was reading I couldn't help but nod in agreement with what you wrote. I particularly loved how you explained that white superiority is self-proclaimed, meaning that nothing actually makes white people better. Thank you for this discussion post!

@October 2 at 7:45 PM

Hi ___,

I really loved your discussion post. You state several points but the quote that really intrigues me is "To be annihilated as they annihilated is white people's biggest fear." White people worry history might repeat itself but this time it's the reverse. People of Colour will continue to fight for their rights and eventually stand on the same playing field. 

Overall Amazing job!




@Oct 2, 2020 12:15 PM

Based on my understanding, this quote aims to tell readers that White people are insisting that racism towards White people exists, and that they face the same kind of oppression that ironically, their very own race created. As discussed in the previous module, reverse racism absolutely does not exist, but rather is a result of white supremacists trying to find a reason as to why their white privilege does not always 'work'. Therefore because of their White fragility, they are defending themselves against the supposed discrimination that they claim to face, despite being the reason behind the existence of the social construct of 'whiteness'. 


We could also interpret this quote as a message on how White people deny the existence of whiteness and white privilege(again, constructs that they themselves created), yet refuse to be shown the same treatment that one would notice a minority group being treated with. This calls to question if these White supremacists are truly this oblivious and ignorant to the inequality and mistreatment of minority groups, or if they are aware of the mistreatment but simply do not care nor see it as an actual issue, since it does not disadvantage them in any way. 


Overall, I believe that this quote aims to discuss how White people are fighting against any form of mistreatment that they believe they face, whilst turning a blind eye when their very own race does the same to minority groups. 

@October 2 at 12:36 PM

Hi ___! I liked the point you made here when you said, White people deny the existence of whiteness and white privilege yet refuse to be shown the same treatment that one would notice a minority group being treated with. They defend themselves but don't take any further action to prove their point which proves that they turn a blind eye to how they treated minority groups. 

@Oct 2, 2020 12:48 PM

I believe that Dr. Kendi’s quote has to do with the hatred and discomfort that some White people express towards Black people as a response to Black people challenging white supremacy more and more.

White supremacy has to do with the widespread conscious and unconscious ideas of white superiority and entitlement. This originates from settler colonialism in North America and is evident throughout history as White people have been put on a political, economic, and cultural pedestal; this has stemmed White privilege. But as of today, the population of minorities are growing and even surpassing the White population in White countries, different cultures are becoming more intertwined, interracial relationships and affiliations are increasing, more Black people are being put in positions of power, and civil unrest is on the rise, promoting for more equality and equity. These things are working against white supremacy, and many Whites are afraid of what this could do to the status quo and to the system that has been favouring them for so long.


This is why many White people possess so much anger towards Black people. This is why there are hate groups like the KKK and the Alt-right. This is why there are racist protests and riots. This is why White people dismiss the achievements and progress made by Black people. This is why White fragility is prevalent and many White people remain silent on racial issues rather than having a discussion that could provoke change. It is a means for many White people to defend themselves and preserve their White privilege.

@October 2 at 11:12 PM

Hi ___,

Thanks for replying!

With regards to your question, if you're talking about white guilt, I believe that, right now, White people are experiencing this guilt towards members of the Black community because of all of the attention it has been getting in the media. However, in general, I think white guilt is can be felt towards all POC and minority groups! 

@October 2 at 1:46 PM

Hey ___:)

Your response is honestly amazing. I agree with everything you just wrote. But out of curiosity I have this question. So you wrote "different cultures are becoming more intertwined, interracial relationships and affiliations are increasing, more Black people are being put in positions of power" If this continues to happen, and the population of white individuals decrease, and more people of colour are put into more powerful positions, could their possibly be a point in the future that white privilege can be diminished ? 


Thank you,


@October 2 at 2:03 PM

Thank you and good question you bring up.

I don't believe it is dependent on whether or not the White population decreases. It simply has more to do with equality, diminishing the huge barriers that exist among Black people and White people and just being on the same playing field. When I mentioned minority populations in White countries and interracial relationships, I am talking about living where you want to live and with who you want to live with, loving who you want to love, and having certain experiences without race being a big deterrent like it very much was in the past. 

Gradually, these things break down hierarchy and intimidation between races and can play a part in ending White privilege.  

@Oct 2, 2020 12:49 PM

This quote reflects the fear and struggles white people are having against not being the most dominant race. This fear is driven by a society where people of colour will no longer stay silent when faced with racism's hardships. White superiority has dominated history by staking claim over lands that did not belong to them, creating systems that benefited them, showing their strength and striking fear into those they deemed inferior. Times are changing where minorities are challenging the system and are pushing back, interracial relationships are becoming more accepting, intertwining, beauty standards are changing, no longer becoming the pure white world it was first sought out to be. Some white people who decided to move on and adapt to the times experience white guilt and try to be better than those who came before. But those who are against, see this push back as an attack against the whites, causing them to lash out (White Violence). Many people see the BLM movement as an anti-white movement because every white protest was Anit-Black. They are afraid of losing power because they do not want to be treated the same way they treated the Blacks.

@October 2 at 10:10 PM

Hi ___,

I agree with everything you have said. I feel that a lot of people have a misunderstanding of the BLM movement as it is not an anti-white movement but a fight for being treated equally. White people feel this is threatening towards them because they "fear" they are going to lose their privileges and power. 

@October 2 at 10:40 PM

Hello ___, I like how you included the fact white superiority dominated most of history. I also definitely agree with the fact that white people have been essentailly "stealing" things which did not belong to them, making it their own as they believe that they are the most dominant race and no one should be able to supersede them in terms of dominance. This really does show how fearful they are of losing power and I'm glad that the racialized minorities are realizing this and fighting back.

@October 2 at 11:07 PM

___, I loved your focus on how our society has progressed into a more accepting place, where white people are no longer the default superior race. I completely agree with you, and I believe that it is important to focus on this progression to get where society needs to be. When it comes to the "genetic annihilation" of white people, this is a progression in society that should be encouraged. We are no longer obligated to follow the standards that societies power structure has given us. Our society is more hyper aware that minorities are not inferior in any shape or form. By encouraging this "genetic annihilation", I believe that we can form a more equal society for everyone to enjoy.

@Oct 2, 2020 1:02 PM

At first, I never really thought of White people defending against their own generic annihilation. The thought of it, Caucasian skin colour, and thinking about them becoming, I guess you could say extinct is quite an odd thought to me. Maybe because I am not White myself, therefore, have never really had to think about it. It does make sense, the fact that the genes of a darker-skinned person are more dominant than the genes of a lighter-skinned person, making their offspring a person of colour. Now, I think a part of it is quite funny (not to be rude), but some White people are scared that they will become the minority and lose their White privilege... Which means, they have to know and understand that People of Colour are treated much worse then they are if they are afraid of switching places.  White Supremacist are in fear of losing the control that they have.


To explain why I think a part of this is a little funny is because I see those videos/interviews where a White Supremacist is being interviewed and with their answers, you can tall they're blatantly racist, yet they think they are right. They believe that People of Colour deserve the treatment they get. They believe so strongly in that, but if you tell them that they would soon become the minority, they would have a fit thinking about the way they could possibly be treated since they would be the minority. Which again means they would finally have to understand that racism does in fact exist and it is a problem.

(Just to be clear, in no way do I think the annihilation of a certain people is funny)

@October 2 at 2:18 PM

I like your point about certain White individuals believing that Black people could eventually use White, racist ideologies against them. For a long time, Black people have been viewed as inferior, but Black people have been consistently proving this wrong. Black people are showing more and more that they are capable, strong, intelligent, loving people who deserve to be on an equal playing field as White people. This is why some White people may use racism and hatred as a defense mechanism, because they realize that the ideals of them being better than everyone else is not necessarily true.

@Oct 2, 2020 1:21 PM

To my understanding, this quote speaks on the concept of white individuals defending against their general destruction. It also alludes to the idea of how afraid they are of becoming inferior and having their power and privilege taken away from them by racialized minorities. This causes them to defend their hold on the resources they have amassed at the expense of the racial minorities. This is what fuels them to continue to use the racial policies, structures and systems to attack them. They also hold the belief that when these racial minorities ( especially Black individuals) take over, they will also oppress their oppressors and take those same racist ideologies and use them against white individuals. Thus causes them to feel threatened, and puts them in the position of defence where they will do anything in their power to prevent their race from “going extinct”.  Whether it includes continuing to display racist attitudes towards racial minority groups as well as deeming people of colour as responsible for the racist ideas that white individuals obtain about them. 

@Oct 2, 2020 1:28 PM

I believe what Dr. Kendi means with this quote is that some white people are creating resources and looking for ways to “prevent the complete extinction of their race.” I say some because I think the statement should not be generalized; not all white people behave this way. Now, when reading this some might immediately think “the white race is not being annihilated” or “there is no way the white race will ever be completely extinct.” However, there are [white] people who are the representation of Dr. Kendi’s quote. This approach and behavior of “needing to maintain the [white] race” roots from the long-existing societal concept of white supremacy. These people are promoting a message against the ideas of diversity and inclusion; they truly believe that allowing diversity in our society will cause other races to overpower the white race. They show this “fear” of becoming a minority themselves, for the simple reason that they know how minorities are viewed and addressed nowadays in our society (especially by them). So “to avoid our eradication, white people should always remain superior to (in this case) Black people” is what they believe. I think everyone should act to try to stop this need for “white supremacy.” There is no need for one group to be superior to another. All races deserve the same opportunities and the same chance to exist as their true self in this society. The people who feel “superior” to level themselves equally to everyone else and truly support others. The people who are considered minorities to not let themselves be put down by anyone else as we all fight to achieve equity and equality in our society.

@Oct 2, 2020 1:45 PM

To me this quote says that white people are afraid that they will someday not have an inherent advantage over everyone else. They are afraid that they will lose the power that they hold and so even though almost all white people would say “I am not racist, I believe in equality for everyone.” They may be (consciously or subconsciously) holding back in their efforts due to fear of losing what they have. In my eyes this could be due to many of the stereotypes that white people have grown up with about Black people. They have grown up hearing about how Black people live in poverty (conveniently forgetting that they are a large reason for why Black families are stuck in poverty), and they do not want to give up the comforts they have grown accustomed to. 

This relates perfectly to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr’s quote “I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro's great stumbling block in his stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen's Counciler or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate, who is more devoted to ‘order’ than to justice.” Although many white people will say they want life to be better for Black people. They are still perfectly happy to be silent on the issue if the option for them to do/say nothing is there.

@October 2 at 1:51 PM

It can also relate to the fact that many White people grow up with White entitlement. After feeling entitled and having privilege all their life, the threat of losing it scares many White people. That is why they react with anger, discomfort, or mere silence when it comes to racial issues, because they want to keep what has been benefiting them, though at the expense of others.

@October 2 at 2:38 PM

I like how you mentioned how indirect acts of fear can happen as well. A lot of the times people think actions related to white supremacy are upfront and obvious when in fact they can happen subconsciously as well.

@Oct 2, 2020 2:28 PM

For hundreds of years, the system has existed to make White people succeed. The ideology of White racial supremacy dehumanizes and colonizes the minds of Blacks. Although the Colonial period is over, it’s reasoning remains running within the social relations, structures of power, and identities. The idea that White people have this fear of being the minority in itself proves they believe White privileges exists. They are carefully taught not to recognize White privilege, as males are taught not to recognize male privilege. This fear is simply driven by their so-called "loss of status." They fear they no longer will be the dominant race. In my judgment, Whites as the minority evens out the playing field for us, People Of Colour. We wouldn't have to subject ourselves to what White people idealize as "perfect." Young Black children wouldn't have to view themselves as "displeasing" simply because they inherit different features. This notion does not erase years of oppression, but rather gives us a chance to stand on the same level over time. 

@October 2 at 7:21 PM

Your point about White people fearing of becoming a minority is a very accurate one, they do truly fear being treated like treated POC. Also comparison between white privilege and male privilege is something I hadn't thought about, yet people argue that neither exist in modern society, which is false. This is a great response ___!

@Oct 2, 2020 2:35 PM

Essentially this quote by Dr. Kendi is getting at how white people are fearing that one day they may not be the most dominant race. In other words, a white genocide. Concerning white supremacy, this quote is indicating how whites believe they have superiority over Blacks and will take any course of action to preserve the white race and authority. This may seem like a stretch but a reason they should fear this is that as our society evolves potentially things like systemic discrimination and white supremacy will slowly decrease over time (possibly in another lifetime). 

In the novel, they said this would be fun, the author states, “society calls Black women bitter for expressing rage over social, political, economic, reproductive, and gender discrimination, but celebrates white women’s rage as iconic and inspiring” (Martis 224). This is a perfect example of white supremacy being that the opinion of the white person holds greater accuracy or meaning than Blacks, creating a hierarchy. This was a constant in the novel, as Eternity was constantly being overlooked in comparison to her white counterparts. Overall, to me, this quote symbolizes fear and a cry for power.

@October 2 at 6:41 PM

Hi ___,

I really liked how you were able to connect this quote to the text we are currently reading. It was definitely a quote that stood out to me in the novel as well, and is a clear cut example of how often the things white people are praised for, Black people are reprimanded.

@Oct 2, 2020 4:55 PM

This quote is a prime example of White Fragility, where White people almost fear the word “racism” as they begin to defend it in some way. This shows an area of dominance because they know once they finally confront racism from the root, they will finally give minorities a chance at doing better. Racism is very institutionalized through laws and different policies, once you change that and confront racism White individuals will be mad as there “superiority” is taken away. Now, another massive problem is when white people defend statements by saying “I don’t care if you’re Black, brown, tan, pink, or purple” almost turning their skin color as a joke of existence. White’s fear racism greatly knowing they’re a part of it and begin to put up a fence and defend themselves even though they’re the ones who created it. This makes you wonder if the defense act is just out of guilt or rather selfishness. Black individuals and other minorities have been trying for years to raise awareness about racism but they just can’t get through to the Whites as they defend themselves and make foolish statements on why they aren’t racist, “I have a friend that’s Black, I’m not racist” It’s quite disgusting the comments whites make to defend themselves as not racist. Our world is built on racism and once that world is torn down the whites will be left scavenging for any crumb of dominance they can get. Overall the quote is a strong representation of how white supremacy and fragility still exist.

@October 2 at 7:29 PM

Hi ___,

I like that you connected the quote with white fragility. I agree that white people often defend and fear the word racism, I think it definitely has to do with guilt, ignorance, and selfishness as you mentioned. BIPOC experiences with discrimination and racism are too often brushed off and shut down due to this white fragility.


I agree the world as we know it was built on racism. Racism is very much everywhere in society, and whether we're aware of it or not, it's easily instilled in us if we aren't pay attention. Having racism rub off on a white person, from  being raised and living in this society is most likely bound to happen. It's the responsibility of the individual white person to become aware of their own biases, privilege and racist ideas as well as educate themselves in order to become anti-racist. The toxic oppressive ideas of our society are very easy to internalize and then embody if you aren't self-aware and self-accountable. I know a lot of women who struggle with internalized-misogyny simply because they've been taking in their environment and now are finding themselves in need of detoxing. I think racism can often be the same way, people are in need of detoxing from all the messages they've taken in without knowing. Due to this, I think the worst thing a white person can do is defend themselves if they're called racist, instead of looking at themselves and their actions critically and consider the possibility that they very likely may be, whether they're aware of it or not. 


What do you think is worse, being racist and aware of it? Or racist and unaware?

Also, do you think minorities are beginning to get through to White people more in these last few months?

@October 2 at 9:48 PM

Hi ___, I liked reading your perspective on Dr. Kendi's quote, and completely agree. Another statement I often hear used to defend their own racism and bias is  "I don't see colour". I think this can be very damaging, even if it isn't intentional. I think that stating that you are "colour blind" means that you aren't recognizing white supremacy and how society was built on it, and aren't acknowledging that racism still exists today. I found an article that outlines the damaging impacts of this statement and one quote that stood out to me was, "How can you possibly fix something that you don’t believe you actually see?" (Asare, 2019). I think this is important to remember, because the first step to addressing racism, is understanding and acknowledging its presence today and educating yourself on history. My question for you is, what do you think is the best response to statements like these, so that we can be actively antiracist and have tough conversations?


Link to article:

@Oct 2, 2020 5:12 PM

The system of White Supremacy is rooted in the fear of generic annihilation, generic annihilation to me essentially can be defined as the fear of race mixing and culture fuse, White people are defending against their own generic annihilation due to the fear of other races dominating their “kind” as they believe the White race is more superior. Within history, we see how this fear has developed into the hatred towards people of color, a system that had full control of the lives of the lower-class individuals taking power and having full control over the people of color. White Supremacist groups often have relied on violence to achieve their goals. An example;  White individuals state, “not all cops are bad” even though all they do is their job they get hourly pay for which is to serve and protect citizens, yet they still fail their job and have begun to get exposed through the media for their racist acts and colleagues. White cops rarely get held accountable and White citizens begin to witness what a White cop can get away with allowing them to mimic those acts. A Black man holds a gun out of defense he is labeled a killer; a White man holds a gun out of defense he's labeled mentally ill and let off. Our institutions and justice systems are the roots of white fragility, white individuals hate getting caught and constantly defend one another.

@Oct 2, 2020 6:05 PM

When I read this quote, I immediately think of the self-absorbed population of White people who think that they earned their 'superiority' and that it shouldn't be challenged and/or taken away from them. When these people see the civil unrest in their communities, states, and countries they immediately get scared that their White Privilege will be taken away and that they might even be put in a minority situation. What White people should be feeling when they see these protests and strikes is pride for taking a stand against White supremacy and privilege. 


Some of these White people are scared that other cultures of different races that produce more offspring will begin to outnumber their population making them the minority. They know how poorly minority groups are treated and are scared that they will begin to be treated like that. They are also scared that Black people will be even more cruel towards them than they were to Black people because of all of the revenge that they need to let out. This goes to show that even though they realize how awfully BIPOC are treated, they still do nothing at all to change or fix it. 

@October 2 at 10:39 PM

Hey ___!, The idea that "..white people are scared that other cultures if different races.." e.g white guilt can be a correlated response to this weeks quote is one I wholeheartedly agree with! In my response, I also discussed instances of white guilt and how many may fear that Black people will strive revenge on them for the cruelty imposed on them in the past-- and sadly instances of Anti-Black racism that are still present today. Do you believe that white people/their white guilt is more towards members of the Black community or is it evenly dispersed against all POC's?

@Oct 2, 2020 6:30 PM

I interpret Dr. Kendi to be describing the population of white people that claim to be acting out of fear and aggression. These people are ‘afraid’ that Black individuals will take over society. I feel this ties into the term we learned about in this module ‘white fragility’, as these acts of aggression are usually a result of defensive motives. This seems ridiculous to me considering white people hold all of the power and have systematically used this power to harm and oppress Black people. I think that white people are using this as an excuse to see themselves as a victim of ‘genetic annihilation’, and therefore justify their blatant and overt racist actions.

@Oct 2, 2020 6:55 PM

Upon reading this quotation, I immediately thought back to the quote from Ta-Nehisi Coates that is shared in the module 3 definitions. Coates’ describes white mediocrity and comments on white supremacy. She claims that the purpose of white supremacy is to ensure that everything “others” are able to achieve with maximal effort, white people, and more specifically white men, can achieve with minimal effort. I resonate with her descriptions of the innate advantages given to white people through the insidious system of white supremacy. 


When regarding Dr. Kendi’s quotation, I believe he is referring to this same reality, although he goes further in his commentary. I believe Dr. Kendi is explaining that white people have been benefiting from white supremacy for generations - to the extent where they can no longer recognize their own privileges. Due to these privileges however, white people do not require the same level of effort, skill, or knowledge as POC in order to be as successful. Furthermore, if this innate advantage (that is made possible through systems of white supremacy) is taken away, white people would quickly learn that they must work much harder. We even see this reality in the tropes of immigrant parents instilling severe work ethics in their children, etc. White people are the assumed superior but when their advantages have been challenged there have been claims of anti-white injustices (ie. “POC/immigrants are stealing our jobs!”) Just as generations of privilege have influenced white people, generations of prejudice have created a constructive resilience amongst POC. I then believe that Kendi’s statement is saying that white people are reluctant to dismantle white supremacy in effort of protecting their comfort, further revealing that they are threatened by POC. (This has also been seen within waves of feminism, where activists proposed that perhaps men refused women equal rights in fear that they could perform the same jobs just as well as the men, if not better.)

@Oct 2, 2020 6:58 PM

In my opinion this quote connects with the shifting demographic of this country which has created an idea of ‘white extinction’. This is creating fear among white supremacist and further biases and violence. Bringing about ideas like “Make America Great Again”. These white supremacists believe they should be defending their country (which they stole from indigenous people) from BIPOC. This idea of defending whiteness also encourages people, through things like stereotypes and segregation, to not date or marry outside of their race. The fear behind white supremacy is the loss of power and privilege in this society built on the dehumanization of all other races. Racists repeatedly and violently express the fear of being a minority, and a fear of losing the favourable inequality white people often feel entitled to. White supremacists and racists see things like interracial couples, equality, and immigrants as threats to their power. White people are protecting the fictitious sanctity of their race, which is a categorization they created themselves.

@Oct 2, 2020 7:30 PM

When I think of this quote I think about the privilege of White people but also their hatred for other races. In terms of why they are defending against their own generic annihilation, it is due to the fact that they realize People of Colour don't have the same privileges as they do. In order to keep their power, they continue to abide in a system that oppresses others. This is where the idea of White Supremacy comes in, the idea that white is good and pure and black is bad and lesser than. To preserve their whiteness they are against interracial couples because of the outcome of offspring. When there is an interracial couple their child, genetically speaking, will be a person of colour. In the past there have been laws and regulations about interracial couples, now it is more subliminal and passive. 

@October 2 at 7:55 PM

I think it is important that you brought up the view of interracial relationships. There are many people that are extremely judgmental of interracial couples/children and see it as a "disgrace". Individuals who have this view like you said want to preserve their whiteness. 

@Oct 2, 2020 7:53 PM

This quote: "White people are defending against their own generic annihilation." by Dr. Kendi took me a while to fully understand, but this quote to me means that white people fear that one day they won't be the race that holds the most power. This quote, I believe represents 'white fragility' where members of the white race have either an angry, dismissive or defensive response to evidence that they are shown about racism, and it also to me represents 'white supremacy' where white people believe that they are the dominant race compared to the other races, especially the Black race, and how they would do anything to stay in power and disadvantage the other minority groups, like the Black race. 

@October 2 at 9:24 PM

Hi, ___

I totally agree with you that white people either have an angry, dismissive or defensive response because of their fears of losing their power and privilege. Especially because they have been using against minority groups such as Black people for many decades. 

@Oct 2, 2020 7:58 PM

A little while ago, I remember reading an article about how in a few years, white people are not going to be the racial majority anymore. What Dr. Kendi means by this quote is that white people are scared to lose their power over the minority (AKA Black people and other POC) and that fear has driven their hate and systematic discrimination. By not letting Black people advance in society, they are defending their position at the stop. They have become entitled because they have held that position for so long and any threat to that power is terrifying to them. Perhaps, in a way, they are also scared that if the people they have oppressed and killed for so long have access to power, will they seek retribution? Will they be just as merciless as white people have been for several centuries?

@October 2 at 9:38 PM

Your response brings to mind an event that took place this week during the American Presidential debate. When Trump was asked whether he would condemn white supremacy, he struggled to reply, ending his statement by telling the proud boys to ‘stand up and stand by.’ Why would anyone want a man who struggles to condemn white supremacy to continue to remain in charge? The way you described systematic discrimination fueling fear and driving hate makes this very clear.  

@Oct 2, 2020 8:09 PM

When we are talking about generic annihilation it remind me of the Indigenous people when they were sent to residential school to be annihilation; however, in this case I believe that White people are used to being in control and in power so when that power is being taken away from them, they become defensive and worried since they aren't used to changes. It dates back to white supremacy in the politic, social and economic spectrum. White supremacy is still within the system and still spread racism either in schools, education, laws, etc, to the point where protest can be violent that involves with teargas, guns, tasers, etc. Even in the present 2020, we still have to remind people that black lives matter and that things have changed.


Moreover, I do believe there are some White people who are anti-racist and truly care about Black people lives, but there are most that doesn't as Kendi mention in one of his tweet on twitter which states "Some White colonizers ‘adopted’ Black children. They ‘civilized’ these ‘savage’ children in the ‘superior’ ways of White people, while using them as props in their lifelong pictures of denial, while cutting the biological parents of these children out of the picture of humanity. (link:


I have mixed feeling about this because personally, I'm the type to believe that there are some good people and bad people and not everyone is the same. I do believe that there can be people who used Black children as a way to "show" off and brag about how generous and kind they are. For example, most celebrities would try to get attention or acknowledgment by making sure that people KNOWS that they gave charity to a unfortunate group (orphans). I seen a lot of celebrities doing this and it makes me wonder if they understand how this affect others. 

@October 2 at 8:54 PM

I like your connection to residential schools; it is a clear example of life, culture and tradition destroyed by colonizers. For a group of people who supposedly fear their own extinction, white people have certainly caused the pain, suffering and/or near-annihilation of so many other groups throughout history.

I also agree with what you said about the article you linked. No Black child should ever be used as a token to prove that their parents are inherently 'not racist'; Black children should be allowed to explore their identity and culture and their parents should support that, or else they should not be adopting a Black child.

@Oct 2, 2020 8:22 PM

I think that this quote reflects a valid theory used by POC to explain why white people act/have acted the way they do; that an inherent fear of “genetic annihilation” is what drove/drives white people towards violence against other races. With that said, it is not the type of justification that should ever come out of a white person’s mouth. 


I know that this quote was written by Dr. Kendi, but when I first read it, it brought to mind the rhetoric used by white supremacist groups; the cries of “white genocide” that they use to justify horrible acts of racist violence. Any belief that the “white race” needs to be preserved echoes the despicable beliefs of people throughout history, whether it was the Nazis, or those who opposed interracial marriage and supported segregation.


When you take away the lense of white supremacy, there is nothing inherently superior or even particularly good about white people that would need to be preserved. As we discussed last week, there is really no clear definition of what, genetically, sets any race apart from another, and there is certainly no genetic benefit to being white versus having traits of a different race. So, if one isn’t racist, then there is no need to fear that at some point down the road the “white race” might cease to exist, especially since the concept of race is merely a social construct.


Ultimately, while it is an interesting argument that white people have an innate fear of extinction driving them, there is also absolutely no circumstance in which a white person or group should use this as legitimate justification for perpetuating white supremacy.

@October 2 at 10:51 PM

I really appreciate your connection of Anthony's attitude and genetic annihilation. I think that is a really good point to consider. It really is about the fear of losing their 'power'. If they had a child, then that mixed child would not have the same privileges its White parent experiences and in some communities, the parent would be ostracized for having a mixed child.   

@Oct 2, 2020 9:14 PM

White people defending themselves against their own genetic annihilation is a quote from Dr. Kendi’s novel, “How to Be an Antiracist.” The quote is directly stating that white individuals (supremacists) defend themselves through any means possible in order to remain the dominant race. This fear of genetic annihilation is the driving force behind all white fragility, violence, mediocrity, and overall supremacy of white people. It provokes my curiosity to consider that white supremacists act out in fear disguised by confidence. This fear that years from now, white individuals won’t be the dominant race. Considering white fragility, and the inability to understand and accept that white individuals were given a head start in life (privilege), white people are acting inhumanely for the sole purpose of remaining at the top of the hierarchy they’ve created. In the memoir, “They Said This Would Be Fun,” Eternity experiences multiple cases of white individuals projecting negativity. In one case, her boyfriend continues to sexualize her, while making it very clear that his family would never condone him having Black children. Therefore, he has a relationship with both her and a white woman. White people will do whatever they can to defend against being genetically annihilated. To be an antiracist, I think it is fair to experience white guilt. To feel horrible for the actions of both the past, present and future because as we know, things change much too slowly. However, it isn’t fair to just remain stagnant and live with the guilt. Not all white people project racism unto others, however, we all take part by being bystanders and doing nothing about it. As stated in the readings, white/whiteness are social constructs created simply to consolidate power. To sit back and just feel bad that you are a part of the problem, isn’t enough. We must turn that guilt into action and show that these systems built for white people, to uplift white people and create advantages in favour of white people, was never, and is no longer acceptable. 

@Oct 2, 2020 9:21 PM

In my opinion, the quote by Dr. Kendi refers to the threat that white privilege and white supremacy will no longer work to benefit White people, if Black, Indigenous, and People of Colour receive the equal rights, treatment, power and representation that they deserve. I think that Dr. Kendi is referring to an idea that some White people believe, which is that if other groups of people gain equal rights, somehow they will have fewer rights or be worth less than BIPOC. As a result, they continue to defend the system of settler colonialism that still oppresses BIPOC to this day. In Eternity Martis book, she discusses a similar idea, "How can the imaginary perceived threat to whiteness... be ripped away simply because of diversity, when every system has defended and upheld whiteness ferociously for centuries" (Martis, 2020).


In the module, concepts like white fragility, white mediocrity, and know your place aggression were discussed. White fragility is the idea that racism, white supremacy, and white privilege can't be discussed/addressed because White people find it too uncomfortable or stressful, which makes them respond out of defence. (eg. silence, leaving the situation, emotions, argument, guilt). Essentially, White people try to make themselves the victims, rather than addressing the oppression that is ingrained in society, and that Black people have been victims to for all of history. White mediocrity is to be 'neutral' to the system that advantages White people with power and oppresses those who aren't white. By not acknowledging the system we live in, we are only rewarding racist ideas and actions because they go unaddressed. I feel like this is something many White people to every day, whether consciously or not because we want to avoid getting involved, instead of actively being Anti-racist in order to create change. Lastly, know your place aggression is a violent response to the success/progress of people who aren't White, that reminds them of their 'place' in society. All of these responses can be used by White people in order to "defend against their own generic annihilation," according to Dr. Kendi.


Overall, I think this reinforces the idea that Martin Luther King Jr. brought up, which is that the real challenge to the equal rights movement is the white moderate,  "who is more devoted to ‘order’ than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice; who constantly says: ‘I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I cannot agree with your methods of direct action" (King, 1963). Instead of challenging the systems build on white supremacy, and being actively antiracist, many White people chose to stay silent, or to respond out of defence, because they wan't to avoid tension.

@Oct 2, 2020 9:25 PM

It has been predicted that by 2050 White people will become the new minority in the US while people of colour become the new majority. I think that this is a terrifying revelation to racist White people because for the first time in their miserable existence they will not have the advantage of being in the majority to fall back on. I think that this quote stems from the knowledge that when it comes to all the wrong doings committed against people of colour (specifically Black people), White people are to blame. I believe that the fear of retaliation, simply not being in power or holding the status of the “dominant race” is what causes them to be on the defence. White people are using systemic racism to combat their fears of losing power, they are attempting to destabilize minorities so that they cannot fight back against these abuses of power. Mass incarceration of Black people and other visible minorities is just one of the many ways White people and the white system try to hold Black people back.  

@October 2 at 9:38 PM

Hey ___! 

I completely agree with everyone you stated. I believe that White people to some extent know that they are privileged and they know all the horrible things they have done to POC, especially Black people (not every White person has done horrible things, but in history, we can see that White people are the majority of people who discriminate against others). In my opinion, they are afraid that what they have done is going to get back at them in the future. Although they may not face the "discrimination" directly, they are afraid that their future children and grandchildren will encounter what minorities in our society today have experienced. As you said, they are terrified, they should be. I believe that this is a good wake up call for them to realize what is happening in our society. But at the end of the day, they are not likely to stop. Sad reality. 

@October 2 at 11:16 PM

Hi ___ and ___,

I loved the passion and raw truth the both of you brought forward. You both touched upon the discrimination that minorities feel, and how this can end up happening to White people in the future. A point I mentioned in my discussion is how this is the first time Whites are actually concerned about prejudice- when it may affect them! I think it is rather disgusting and disappointing that they showed no interest when minorities were (and still are) being violated of their rights, but now they fear the same outcome for themselves. In all honesty, if White people did end up becoming a minority, I think that people will treat them equally. As a minority, after the things that I have seen, heard, or experienced, I would not wish that upon my worst enemy. In fact, I do not think any minority would stoop to the level of racist White people. In the fight for equality, I do not think it is necessary to induce hate onto Whites. However, if our society ends up treating them poorly, I cannot say they did not have it coming for them after the years of discrimination and oppression that they forced onto others.

@October 2 at 10:37 PM

Hi ___,

Thank you for your response! I think it's really interesting that you say White people are afraid of the backlash that their children will face, that wasn't something that jumped out to me right away. I also like that you mentioned the constant discrimination that minorities have faced and continue to face. Unfortunately, I agree with your final statement that although they fear may finally experience a fraction of a fraction of what POC go through every moment of their lives, they will not stop.

@Oct 2, 2020 9:27 PM

Dr. Kendi’s quote catches my attention. I believe this quote is bringing up the topic of how White people are afraid they will one day become “extinct”. White people believe that due to immigration, countries such as Canada and the US will no longer have White citizens. Personally, I find this concept very strange. I find it rather odd that people think that a race would become extinct, especially when they are the ones who colonized countries. An article by The Conversation provides some statistics of the White population in the US. The population of White people in the US has been dropping from a little under 90% in 1950 to 60% in 2018 and will most likely drop to below 50% in another 25 years (Poston and Saenz, 2019). While the statistics show the drop of the White population in the US, we must take into consideration countries where the majority of its citizens are White. For example, Chile, New Zealand, Australia, Uruguay and Argentina are all countries that have a majority of White people compared to any other race. We can see that worldwide, White people are still a majority, which makes me believe that it is impossible for them (or any race) to go extinct. While immigration rates are going up, a single country cannot let every person migrate to their land. Countries such as Japan, China, Nigeria and Palestine, are countries where there are only a few, if not one, type of race or ethnicity. Throughout history we have seen certain people of colour, ethnicity and religion be tortured and murdered just for being who they are, yet none of them have become extinct. Therefore, I believe that this whole idea of White people going extinct is not possible as many factors such as statistics and history prove my reasonings. 

@October 2 at 9:46 PM

Hi ___,

I completely agree with the points you made about how it's impossible for White people to go extinct. I especially liked that you brought up the fact that White people have never been largely targeted by any other race. I truly believe that this fear of "generic annihilation" is White people vocalizing their fears of karma and their attempt to cope with White guilt. I think that the knowledge on all of the wrong doings that some White people have committed against POC created a generational paranoia.

@October 2 at 9:59 PM

Thank you for your reply, 

Again, I agree. I hope that a majority of White people can now see the fear of other minorities. While I still do not believe this "extinction" will happen, I think it is important for White people to understand the struggles of other POC, no matter how they end up having to understand (I don't believe that they will ever come close to what POC actually experience, but still). 

@October 2 at 10:14 PM

Hi ___. I agree with many of your ideas in this post and especially your statement, "I find it rather odd that people think that a race would become extinct, especially when they are the ones who colonized countries". I wonder if another way to look at Dr. Kendi's quote is a white supremacists fear of losing the power and benefits that a system built on White Supremacy provides. Society was built on the idea that White people are superior, and I think that white supremacists fear that they will lose this ideology if BIPOC are able to gain the equal rights, treatment, and opportunities they deserve. Maybe a less extreme take on the words 'genetic annihilation', but I think it is definitely is a fear of many white supremacists and a reason why they are so quick to engage in white violence, white mediocrity, white fragility, and know your place aggression, since they want to defend the unfair power that they currently hold in all parts of society.

@October 2 at 10:27 PM

 Hello, thank you for your reply. 

I like your view on it. White supremacists are definitely in fear of this situation. They do not want BIPOC to start gaining rights and treatments because that is completely what they go against. You are right, BIPOC definitely deserves opportunities but how will they do so if White people forbid them from succeeding?  I agree with your statement that white supremacists are so quick to engage in violence as they want to defend their power. Their power is truly unfair, I do not believe that they earned it. Might be a harsh thing to say but it is the truth. How does one gain power by discriminating and being one of the main sources of mass genocide? Just doesn't make any sense. 

@Oct 2, 2020 10:06 PM

This week’s quote speaks about the issues of micro aggressions, policing characteristics that are racist and the discrimination that Black community faces which White people defend. After examining multiple videos on White people defending certain remarks about racism and the common defense to discredit racial remarks is “Slavery is over and it’s not apart of todays society” and “Why am I being blamed for something my ancestors have done?”. These remarks are uneducated and bias because White people can’t comprehend the reality because they don’t face racism in institutions or by other individuals. The characteristics of racism was established in many institutional settings in todays society. Many principles of slavery still exist in policing today which is awful. (I don’t want to go into too much detail as this is what my Twitter thread assignment is going to revolve around). As I read into the history of policing, the objective is the same as when it started, which was to protect White people and their property, by unfairly targeting the Black community. This cruelty still happens today such as the George Floyd and the Breonna Taylor incidents. It seems the police are unwilling to help people of colour, but rather put them in harm’s way. A recent report revealed a very disappointing but true reality which is that Black people are 20 times more likely to be shot dead by the police. The police system similar to many institutions, are not accepting of the Black community as they are not white. In Martis’ book, the chapter named “Anthony, My Italian Greek tragedy” talks about another type of tokenism of White men is having girls of colour as a check mark on their sexual bucket lists. The prejudice and sexual exploitation that people of colour face is a severe violation and an on going issue such as the experience that Martis faced. These matters are not acknowledged which provoke the mentality of “defending against their own generic annihilation”. This behavior has existing for a long time, and continues to this today. The tokenism of people of colour is dehumanizing.  

@Oct 2, 2020 10:23 PM

White people are experiencing instances of white guilt and expressing their fears towards ‘revenge’ or backlash from Black communities, they live in fear on what Black people might do to them if given equal opportunity and power as whites have so to diminish the uprising of black revenge (whether this be educational advancement, careers/business, or even with use of violence ). In turn, they continue to oppress Black people in various ways, some would argue there are more mentally incriminating ways of suppressing Black excellence and the social success of Black people, such as with the use of social media, bullying, societal pressures and expectations, and the portrayal of Black people in the media “violent,short tempered, wild, uneducated etc” The generic/traditional  idea of a white person [at least from the POV of a black woman (myself) ] can be considered to have a “high horse”, an attitude of superiority” etc, this seems to be a commonly acknowledge trait based on instances of Anti-Black racism, that -most commonly noted, white people, have displayed in the past. In relation to these mainstream white people, they attempt and oftentimes succeed, in using every trick book to maintain their status, even at the cost of black people's lives. They use these tactics to defend against their own annihilation/eradication of their racist people by imposing superiority over Black people and diminishing opportunities for equity.

@Oct 2, 2020 10:29 PM

Is the annihilation due to so-called ‘White’ countries becoming more ethnically diverse? Or is the annihilation due to People of Colour demanding respect and representation in all sections of society? The Dr. Kendi quote reminded me of a quote I read this summer that said something along the lines of “ White people are so scared of Black power because they think Black people will treat White people the same way White people have treated Black people.” and I think to a point that is true. I don’t believe White people expect Black people to ship them off as slaves and then create a system that disadvantages White people at every turn. I think for the most part they are misunderstanding the anger of People of Colour. The anger is not because we want revenge or want to take power away from White people. We want the power to be equitably divided for the benefit of all. White fragility leads to a defensiveness that closes the door to any real constructive change. It’s the same reason why people still say ‘White Lives Matter’, it seems that if they are not the central focus of conversation they think that they are being discriminated against. In terms of the global population by race, Caucasians are not in the majority. Countries like Canada and the United States were never ‘White’ countries. They usurped control of the land and brought Africans and Asians to work the land for them. From the white supremacist I know, there is a lot of talk about how life has been unfair to them. They have not benefited from White privilege because they aren’t multi-millionaires or have not been able to accomplish great things in their lives. I can only imagine how difficult it would be to grow up listening to how everything good that ever happened in the history of the world was due to the superiority of people like me,  then walk home and watch cartoons of superheroes, who look like me, saving the world and knowing that I’ll never live up to the potential of my superior race. Sarcasm aside, I think that the myth of the superiority of one race above another is a factor behind the fear of genetic annihilation. If they lose control of their power and become a minority in their country, their political systems, their schools, how could they believe that that would be fair or appropriate? If one race is superior then it would make sense to have that race control the country. The falsehoods behind the White supremacy must be corrected before any real, lasting, and impactful change can occur. 

@Oct 2, 2020 10:59 PM

For many years, white people have been at the top of our societies power structure. In fact, it has been this way since long before any of us existed, or our parents, or their parents! White people ruled over kingdoms, they colonized other countries, and they built the power system that prioritizes their own kind. Our legal system, our governments, our education system- every institution is ruled by the same group- whites. I find it rather interesting how the same group of people that created entire societies, power structures, and institutions that favour them, are now the ones panicking when faced with the harsh reality that they are not superior. Many white people assume that they are the superior race because they have such high positions of authority. In reality, they did not earn these places- their lives have been filled with few obstacles, and every achievement was handed to them on a silver platter. They are unaware of the struggles a Black person would encounter if they were to try and climb up to their positions.


Dr. Kendi states "White people are defending against their own genetic annihilation". Is this really a problem? It is important to look critically into this topic- white people have a superiority complex that needs to be addressed. They worry of a  "genetic annihilation", but only when it is their own race being pushed down. Where was this same anger when Muslims were being detained in concentration camps? Where was this fear when Canadian Indigenous women were being murdered and stolen every day? In fact, these violations of human rights are still being committed present day. But the whites only show concern for their own race. 


I believe that white people need to understand that their power system was built to favour them, and they are not deserving of the accomplishments they were handed so easily. Yes, people of colour are rising in power, and it is not something to fear or defend against. This is something to celebrate- people of colour are finally being able to blossom even when all odds are placed against them. The progression of a society should never be feared, it should be welcomed, especially when white people are being put in their place.

@October 2 at 11:29 PM

Hi ___, 

I completely agree with your points and especially your point on white people understanding that their power system was built to favor them and they are not deserving of the accomplishments they were handed so easily. White people were "superior" because of their unjust actions towards black people and if everyone was given the same opportunities white people would not have what they have today and what they had back then. Great post!

@Oct 2, 2020 11:07 PM

Dr. Kendi states that White people are defending against their own generic annihilation. This statement is so blatantly obvious as White people are the ones who oppressed Black people to begin with. Black people obviously did not oppress themselves, so when White people defend historical or present-day actions of race or racism, they have no evidence to fall back on - you cannot defend something when you created the problem to begin with. Racist ideas from White people is what birthed race and racism. Caucasian people called themselves White and highlighted their race as what they believed to be the superior race and created Black to identify darker-skinned peoples as the inferior race. Further, they created White supremacy in political, economic, and cultural environments to control their idea that White was the superior race. In addition, through White privilege, White people have had the upper hand in all aspects of life since they created institutions to only benefit themselves at every opportunity possible. White people defending against racism can likely be accounted to White guilt, which is individual or collective guilt felt by some White people for harm resulting from racist treatment of Black people not only historically, but presently. As well, the defensive mechanism White people engage in in racial conversations can be because of white fragility, a state when even a minimum amount of racial stress becomes intolerable, triggering a range of defensive moves including argumentation. White guilt as well as fragility is absolutely no excuse to defend racism towards the Black community. Personally, I believe that the only way White people should talk about race is to acknowledge that they created the situation and only communicate ways in which they will create a solution – a White person should never try to defend past or present actions of racism. 

@Oct 2, 2020 11:15 PM

The system we live in today is called settler colonialism, which is built on white supremacy. This quote, "White people are defending against their own generic annihilation." - Dr. Kendi, is going to be discussed. Now you may ask what white supremacy is? Well, white supremacy believes that white people are superior to Black people or people of color in general. It all started when European people and white people started migrating to places like America and North America to take over. When these people took over a specific land space, they would later get Black people to do labor work on the land. Whiteness was created, it was created in opposition to Blackness, to make darker-skinned people feel oppressed. White guilt is a group of white people who feel guilty about whites' treatment towards Blacks; this can be tied back to the quote about white people defending against their own generic annihilation. It is the responsibility of white people to be less fragile; the racism they have thrown to people of color is something they will have to take responsibility for. Furthermore, white violence is white people being silent. If white people stayed silent, how can Black people get justice? White people are designed to look superior. If they stay silent, it is not helping anyone. If anything us it considered violence from their side. A big issue is white mediocrity. It is pretending that whites have nothing to do with how institutions function. Moreover, white supremacy's goal is ensuring that white people can achieve a specific goal with minimal effort, whereas if a Black man or woman were to set the same goal, it would take far more effort.

@Oct 2, 2020 11:23 PM

Dr. Kendi is a very intellectual man and one of the leading scholars of racism in our society. This quote made me think for a second I thought of two different meanings behind this quote. One is that the racist white people are only going up against what they have created and the other being white people who are fighting against racism today, are going up against what their ancestors have done. I believe that Dr.Kendi is saying that white people are defending against their own doings. White people have done so much damage over the years, in terms of slavery, kkk, Black wall street and so much more. Dr. Kendi was implying that the white people who are trying to change the course of their ancestors are only going up against what their ancestors created. I believe that there are many white people who have realized that what white people have done to Black people is wrong and it should have never been done. But I think what they must realize is that it was done by their own ancestors. The racist white people have caused what is happening today, the policing system, the education system, laws, etc. White Supremacy is something that exists everywhere in the world and white people of today must realize that they have to fight against what their ancestors did. I believe that Dr. Kendi's quote is very true and it applies to a lot of white people. 

@Oct 2, 2020 11:29 PM

The idea that while people are defending against their own annihilation is something that can be especially seen throughout this year, with all the media coverage on the Black Lives Matter protests. As the movement gained a lot of traction in the last few months, it allowed the opportunity for people to contradict the idea of equal human rights for everyone, which I believe came from a place of fear. With thousands of people showing up to protests, despite the pandemic, fighting for what they believed in - which simply put is justice and equality for Black lives - it scared some white people to the point of coming up with their own “movement” - all lives matter. This came from a place of fear because for once, white supremacy was not only being acknowledged, but fought against, and some white people’s first reaction was to defend themselves against it. This highlights the concept of white fragility, as arguments were made against Black Lives Matter, including behaviours of anger, fear, guilt and silence. While some people chose to remain silent, which in itself is still a crime, others took it upon themselves to defend white people, as if the movement was made to attack them. As seen this year, the very though of Black people standing up for themselves caused so much fear that it spurred into hatred, heavily supporting the quote by Dr. Kendie that white people are in fact defending against their own generic annihilation, because they’re afraid of change.

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